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Hello "human beans", My name is Yamak Saini and I'm pursuing BA psychology honours(3rd year) from GGDSD College, Chandigarh. I'm an optimistic person, dedicated and passionate about my work. I chose my domain as psychology as I really love it and developed my interest for it in childhood because learning about human behavior and various aspects of human's mind mesmerised me. It feels really awesome to learn and study about ourselves as well as people around us. Working with the psychologs is a wonderful opportunity which will help me in exploring various fields of psychology and gain immense knowledge. I've always been curious to know more and more about the psychological issues and tried to relate it with societal issues. I've also done various online courses from foreign universities to explore more about the psychological arenas. As far as my writing skills are concerned, I may not be as good as others but I'm happy that I try my best and write plagiarism free content. I hope my articles prove to be informative for all of you. Even if you could take a single thing from my article with you, I would be satisfied. I hope my articles contribute in motivating you all to bring a positive change in yourself for betterment in your life. Positive change is healthy.Hoping for a wonderful future for all of us. Spread Love. Peace Out :)


Why do we fear to express ourselves?

Expressing your emotions doesn’t make you a weak person. This era is the modern era where life is fast and tough. It depends

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Awareness Technology

How safe is playing PUBG for your Mental Health?

In a study done for 4-years, researchers found that adolescents/adults who play video games that involve high risk-taking and violence are more likely

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Social Media: A Curse Or A Boon?

To communicate with friends and family, people utilise social media on a variety of online platforms. It has given a boost to the

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Awareness Positive

Improve Yourself: The Best Revenge?

There will be times in your life when things become really tough and you face insurmountable challenges that seem overwhelming. The key to

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Are we still fighting the Patriarchy?

Answer is yes, the battle we are fighting isn’t easy. Well, this fight is not new, it began decades ago. However, we are

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What Factors Are Affecting our Childhood And Contributing to our Adulthood?

Childhood plays a crucial role in our life because proper child development is vital for the overall development of a child and this

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Why are Dogs Called ‘MAN’S BEST FRIEND’?

Many of you will agree with me that the first answer which strikes in our mind after reading or hearing this question is

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Awareness Motivation Positive Self Help

How To Deal With Failure And Rejection?

Life is a journey full of joy, surprises and hardships which teaches us valuable lessons along the way, thus motivating us to fulfill

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Awareness Entertain

“F.R.I.E.N.D.S” a portrayal of Positivity or just another Toxic Series?

“F.R.I.E.N.D.S” is not just a show; it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. F.R.I.E.N.D.S is one amongst the best shows ever created in the history

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Awareness Relationship Self Help Social

Is Being Single Stressful?

It is important to simply and clarify the misconceptions in people’s mind spread by toxic content, thinking being single a ‘negative’ and committed

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