Somya Verma

Somya Verma

Counselling Psychologist
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.

Somya Verma is a Counselling Psychologist, working in the area of attachment and relationships. She completed her M.Phil. (Psychology) from Madras School of Social Work, University of Madras, M.A. (Psychology) from Banaras Hindu University and B.A. (Hons.) Psychology from Barkatullah University. She also holds an additional Diploma in Counselling Psychology and various certifications in Counselling Skills, REBT, Diagnostic Assessment, Test Construction & Standardization, F-Pact and SPSS. She is a Life Member of Bharatiya Counselling Psychology Association. After working with children with learning disabilities, as a health counsellor and as a relationship counsellor, she also organized and conducted various training programs and contributed in the development of psychometric tools. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, she volunteered (telephonic counselling) for IACP Covid Helpline and IAHP Task Force. Her strong research background reflects through her published work in the area of emotional abuse, social anxiety, codependency and assertiveness. This year Somya Verma decided to expand her counselling expertise and started her online private practise - "LET'S BEGIN WITH THERAPY".


Has Covid-19 Pandemic Activated Our Attachment Wounds? THIS IS HOW YOU COMBAT.

Ever since the pandemic has started, our lives have turned upside down. Our routine has changed, people are struggling with sleep, waking up

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