Somya Sharma

Somya Sharma

  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.

I am an undergraduate student, pursuing Bachelors in Pychology from Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi University. I am an avid reader and enjoy reading about psychology as a descipline. I have done several internships in the field and learnt about several realms of the subject. The versitality and diversity of the subject has always intrigued me. Reading and writing have always been my passion. Through my writings, I wish to bring a small change regarding mental health awareness in the society.

Awareness Health


Mindfulness is a way to grow up, wake up and show up. It is the state of being fully aware and conscious of

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