Samar Hafeez

Samar Hafeez

Psychologist and Certified holistic health coach
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Samar Hafeez is a consultant psychologist (clinical and counselling), who is pursuing her Ph.D in Psychology, She has a post graduate degree in Clinical psychology which included a special paper in Health psychology and a second master's in Psychotherapy and counselling (including Family and marriage). She is also a certified holistic health coach and a blogger. Her numerous articles and blogs have been published in both National and International online and offline portals. She is a speaker on mental health and disease prevention issues, and had been invited to speak on an International London radio. She has given interviews to authors/writers regarding mental, emotional health and its significance. She is also specializing in CBT, CT-R AND DBT from U.S.A THERE IS NO HEALTH WITHOUT MENTAL HEALTH! is what she strongly believes in. Her passion is to help people relieve their mental suffering and to assist them in gaining confidence and will to live cheerfully. She loves spreading hope, she holds the view that there is always hope no matter what or when. She works to spread awareness on mental health, believing- 'To get better is to know better'- She loves adventure and nature, and is in constant search for knowledge and wisdon. she is passionate about living life to the fullest, cherishing each and every single moment. There is no time to lose, no time to stay unhappy and no time to brood, we get life once, so live it enthusiastically is what she says and executes. Be an example to others by practicing what you preach is one of her life's mission.

Self Help

Anger Inoculation

Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time,

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Sleep hygiene amid covid-19

COVID-19 has interfered with our daily lives beyond imagination. We are exposed to looming threats that are demanding our adjustment each day. With

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Celebrating International Women’s Day through nurturing women’s mental health

Every day is an opportunity to celebrate women around us, highlighting their achievements and recognising their hardships. If we may think about some

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