Psychologs Magazine

Psychologs Magazine

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Lev Vygotsky and His Contribution to Psychology

Through others we become ourselves Lev Vygotsky Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, contributed to the field of cognitive development through

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Why Do People Like To Gossip?

Thus far, research has, for instance, shown that folks were motivated to interact in gossip to bond with their group

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Awareness Education

The Psychology of Alienation

Do you remember a friend you were once close to suddenly stopped talking to you? Or did a neighbour you

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Understanding Cultural Differences in Parenting Practices

Do you ever look at your friend’s parents or your cool uncle or aunt and wonder why your parents cannot

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The Psychology Behind Casual Relationship

The complicated phenomenon of casual relationships has earned a lot of discussion and attention in the recent years. Dating without

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The Beauty and Aesthetics of Art

Art is a vehicle for us to communicate our ideas, feelings, intuitions, and wishes. It also allows us to share

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How Does Feel To Became A Parent?

Becoming a parent is a life-changing moment one can go through their life. Holding your own baby with your bare

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The Psychology of Corruption

Corruption is dishonest conduct or behaviour that is generally seen to be conducted by those in power. Corruption involves the

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Awareness Self Help

The Psychology Behind Need for Affiliation

I remember when my school was changed it was not an easy task for me to deal with all the

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Awareness Motivation

The Psychology Behind Choosing Your Role Models

Simply put, a role model is someone people look up to and serve as an example of, frequently considering them

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