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Electroconvulsive Therapy

An often-shrouded controversial topic in the field of psychiatry or intervention is the emergence of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Electroconvulsive therapy

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IACP, Kerala published a statement that Lena is not a ‘licensed clinical psychologist’

Recently, Actress Lena, a prominent Malayalam fit actress spoke about consuming psychedelic mushrooms, and being a clinical psychologist, how she

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Defence Mechanism: What They Are And Why We Use Them

Defence Mechanism: What They Are And Why We Use Them In psychoanalytic theory, pioneered by psychologist Sigmund Freud, defence mechanisms

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Attention-Seeking Behaviour in Adults

We all want to be noticed and appreciated. But for some adults, the desire for validation, concern, or simple attention

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Awareness Education

Understanding the Pressure on High-Achievers

High achievers are the model students. They are every teacher’s favourite and everyone looks up to them. In the midst

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Education Life Style

Top 10 books to read for Financial Independence in 2024

In this Article, We will explore 10 books written by financial-savvy folks advising their readers on various aspects like investment,

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Understanding Commitment: The Psychology Behind Promises and Hard Work

When someone says that they are committed to their work or that they have made commitments to themselves, it simply

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Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

According to Vygotsky’s view, social connection with others is a necessary component of intellectual development. People participate in external speech

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Impact of ASMR on Mental Health

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, popularly known by its short form ‘ASMR’, is the tingling, static-like sensation triggered by certain stimuli

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Riley’s New Emotion “Anxiety” in Pixar’s Inside Out 2

Pixar fans, all over the world are excited to see the much-awaited trailer of Inside Out Part 2: Facing Fears,

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