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Life Style

How to Improve Self-Esteem: 8 Tips to Give You a Boost

The amount of good thoughts we have about ourselves is called self-esteem. It shows how much we like or value

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What is the G-Factor in intelligence?

A construct known as the g-factor was created in psychometric studies of human intelligence and cognitive capacities. The term “general

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The Psychology of Rule-Breaking

The Psychology of Rule Breaking: Understanding the Motivations Behind Unconventional Behaviour None of us would ever want to be called

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The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Mental Health

The Industrial Revolution refers to the era in which economic production shifted from the use of hand tools to the

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The Psychology Behind Stoicism

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy founded in the 3rd century BC that focuses on how to live a good

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The Stanford Prison Experiment

Do you think that your behaviour is affected by your surroundings? If yes, do you wonder how your environment might

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Behavioural Disorders in Children

Children are often naughty and do things that their parents ask them not to. This is their way of exploring

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Life Style

The Psychology Behind Copy Cat Crimes

Copying someone else’s actions is something that everyone has done for fun. Mirroring someone is in fact, a strategy used

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10 Self-Care Strategies for Parents

The conscious decision to schedule activities that support preserving one’s physical and emotional well-being is known as self-care. Although it

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Awareness Education

Homesickness: Life of students outside their home country

The journey to study or live in a new country is an exhilarating adventure filled with promises of discovery, growth

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