Psychologs Parenting
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Empty Nest Syndrome

A significant family milestone occurs when a child transitions into adulthood, prompting parents to adjust to their absence. College students

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How do I talk to my Child about Depression?

As much as we nurture our children with love and care, we may have to articulate certain essentials that are

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How to Raise Resilient Kids

How often have you told yourself to just let it go? How many times have you “bounced back” after a

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What is Yes Parenting?

There are hundreds of researches explaining the negative effects of authoritative and overprotective parenting. Parents are realising that kids are

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Self-Care Tips for Moms

Self-care is paying attention to your feelings and making your own choices. It can result in reduced stress and an

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Parenting Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis: A Therapy for Children with Autism

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face challenges that can significantly impact their daily functioning. These challenges include difficulties in

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Finding Balance: Managing Responsibilities After Parentification

When parents fail to provide all the love and care a child deserves and rely on their children for the

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