Psychologs World
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Psychology behind Reckless Driving

“Speed thrills but kills”—a phrase we often hear, yet the allure of reckless driving persists despite the known dangers. Every

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Self Help

How to identify your Emotions when you’re Depressed

Depression can be thought of as a heavy fog within your mind that blocks out everything from view and obscures

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Robin Uthappa Opens Up About Battle with Depression, Advocates for Mental Health Awareness

On Tuesday, retired Indian cricketer Robin Uthappa publicly shares his struggle with depression to advocate for mental health awareness. Through

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Into the Fever Dream World

Have you ever fallen sick and had an unusually odd dream? Was it so weird and frightening that you remember

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Conventional Wisdom v/s Creativity

In 1903, two bicycle mechanics from Ohio set out to do what the scientific community deemed impossible—build a flying machine.

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Pervasive Developmental Disorders 

You might not have heard the term “pervasive developmental disorder” (PDD) in a while. That’s because, in 2013, the medical

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10 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Workplace Environment

Having fun in the workplace is not the sole ingredient for a healthy workplace, but a culture that appreciates employees

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From Superstition to Science: The Evolution of Mental Health Understanding and Treatment

Imagine waking up one day with symptoms of depression, feelings of guilt, lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed,

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Should you Quit your Job for your Mental Health Reasons? : Psychologist Speaks

I am sure any and every person who has ever faced any form of mental health issues in their lifetime,

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The Psychology Behind LinkedIn

Have you LinkedIn? So is it an algorithm that works to land you in your dream job? Or does it

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