Psychologs World
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How to stop Negative thinking?

Have you ever felt stuck in a loop of negative thoughts, where everything seems to go wrong? This pattern, known

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Passive Suicidal Ideation

Trigger Warning: The Article is based on Suicidal Ideation and can be discomforting for sensitive readers There are several issues

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Industrial Technology

Overcoming Aversion to Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

With the rapid development of AI technology, many tasks are becoming automated making our lives easier. Scepticism is a common

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Self Help

Some Mental Health Care Activities for Your Day-To-Day Routine

Taking care of our mental health is a need, especially in today’s fast-paced world. All of us experience stress in

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Social Fear: Why Do You Feel Anxious with Others

Social anxiety can occur because of many reasons. Sometimes the fear of being judged induces anxiety in the person. Due

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How to Balance In Between Dreams and Responsibilities?

The war of minds between pursuing our dreams and fulfilling our responsibilities is something which we all go through. Dreams

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The 5 Stages of Sleep Cycle

You must have heard that our mind never seems to stop working, even when we are sleeping. Have you wondered

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Ever Wondered Why You Forget? : The Psychology Behind Forgetting

Have you ever thought that you often forget the information that you need the most but are never able to

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The Psychology behind Charity

Goodwill is universal. It can be easy to become consumed by the headlines and the problems of the modern world.

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How Common Habits May Harm Your Brain: A Guide to Protecting Cognitive Health

Our brain is one of our strongest assets, but do you know that some of our most common habits may

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