Psychologs World
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The Psychology Behind the Chilling Case of Jeffery Dahmer 

Jeffrey Dahmer was widely known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, an American serial killer and sexual offender responsible for 17 young

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Industrial Motivation

10 Effective Time Management Techniques, According to Psychology

Do you sometimes feel that a day is too short and that 24 hours is not enough? Are you stressed

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Importance of Consensual Sex in Relationships

The idea of consent is one of the important aspects that hold complex human connections together. Healthy relationships are based

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Life Style

10 Powerful Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness Every Day, According to Psychology

You might have heard the term – “mindfulness” a lot these days on magazine covers,  from Instagram influencers and a

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Psychology Behind Perseverance

“There’s always gonna be another mountain, I’m always gonna wanna make it move. There’s always gonna be an uphill battle,

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Life Style

Psychology of Money

Money holds significant importance in our lives, especially in current times marked by relentless inflation. Undeniably, money is a way

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Stonewalling vs Gaslighting

Dating, relationships, and even friendships have become really difficult to navigate in this modern day of technology. People seem to

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“I am Sorry!”, Why do People Over-apologize?

Some people tend to apologise for the minutest of errors. “Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.” “Sorry if

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What is Academic Validation?

The Effects of Academic Validation Validation is seen as a phenomenon where an individual’s work, success, ideas, and creativity are

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Life Style

The Psychology of Body Language

What Does Body Language Say About A Person Language is a tool for communication. When You intend to convey something

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