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Mental Health Activist & Former US First Lady, Rosalynn Carter Died at the Age of 96

Prominent mental health activist and former US First Lady Rosalynn Carter passed away on Sunday at the age of 96.

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How Positive Childhood Bonds Shape Adult Mental Health?

An adult’s improved mental health is largely influenced by their early positive relations with parents as well as other adults.

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High Level of Prenatal Stress Leads to Problems in Children’s Behavior: Study

According to a study released by the American Psychological Association, conducted by Tung, I., Hipwell, A. E., Cannova, E., English,

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Inclusion of 22 new mental health provision by Ministry under AB-PMJAY

In a written response to a question, the Minister of State for Health informed the Lok Sabha that the AB-PMJAY

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Is India Paying Enough Attention to the Mental Health of Young Adolescents?

According to India’s total population of more than 1.4 billion, the adolescent population (aged 10-19 years) accounts for about 253

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Urgent Action Needed To Protect Youth From E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes generate an aerosol by heating liquid containing nicotine- the addictive ingredient found in normal cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco

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Health News

Exercise can both treat and prevent postpartum depression: Study

According to a recent study, moderate aerobic exercise can both prevent and alleviate postpartum depression. This week’s meta-analysis, which looked

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Bombay High Court Shows Concern on Abuse of Mentally Disable Kids

The Bombay High Court has ordered the state to file its reply affidavit after taking seriously a public interest litigation

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Brain Activity during Jazz Improvisation in Musicians of Varying Skill Levels: Study

Have you ever found yourself involved in an activity with effortless attention and enjoyed the activity for the sheer sake

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SMHA Approved by Delhi LG V.K Saxena

Lieutenant-Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has approved the Delhi Health Department’s proposal to constitute the State Mental Health Authority (SMHA). Establishment

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