Psychologs Health
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Health Self Help

Do You Know How Menopause Affects a Woman’s Mind?

Menopause is the time period when the menstrual cycle in women completely gets terminated. Women permanently stop menstruating when reached

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Study Reveals That Brain Development in Teens Could Predict Drinking Behavior

During adolescence, adolescent brains are rapidly creating new connections. Networks associated with reward and inhibition, two systems that typically develop

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The Adverse Effects of Air Pollution on Mental Well-Being

Air pollution is the term used to describe any chemical, physical, or biological factor that tampers with the natural properties

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Reproductive Psychology: Insights into Fertility and Emotional health

Worldwide, psychology is practiced as a profession, and it is governed by the social, cultural, political, educational, and legal framework

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Life Style

Mindful Eating: A Path to Healthier Relationships with Food

An overabundance of body weight is one of today’s most squeezing open well-being issues. Our relationship with nourishment is significant.

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The science of sleep: what goes on in your brain when you sleep?

Everyone requires sleep, yet its biological purpose remains unknown. Sleep influences practically every tissue and system in the body, including

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Mental Health Issues in Cancer Patients During Treatment

Cancer diagnosis and the treatment that follows can be among the most severe challenges that face not only physical health

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BPD Patients Visits Hospital More than Other Mental Disorders

People with borderline personality disorder struggle to function in daily life because it impacts how they feel about others and

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Understanding Aphasia: Types, Causes and Treatment

At the young age of 30, Louis Victor Leborgne began having epileptic fits and speech impediments. After being admitted to

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What is Chronic Pain Syndrome?

Pain is your body’s natural response to a disease or injury and is a sign that something is off. You

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