Psychologs Magazine


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Psychologs is a magazine that aims to provide insightful and informative articles on various aspects of Mental Health and Psychology. The magazine is designed to appeal to both professionals in the field of psychology as well as the general public who are interested in understanding human behavior and Psychological Issues.


10 Tips To Take Care of Teacher’s Mental Health

Being a teacher is a very demanding profession. It requires dealing with fragile and easily influenced minds all day. They

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What are Nocturnal Panic Attacks?

Have you ever experienced a sudden overwhelming fear that lasted for several minutes? Where your heart is pounding, you sweat profusely,

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Protests leading to PTSD and Depression

In recent months Hong Kong was embroiled in protests starting from June against  plans to allow extradition to mainland China.

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Sachin Tendulkar rejects fake video promoting gaming software featuring his likeness

India cricket legend, Sachin Tendulkar, has taken to X, formerly known as Twitter, to express his dissatisfaction regarding an advertising

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Education News

M.Phil (Clinical Psychology) entrance examination, K.G Medical University, Lucknow, UP

K.G Medical University, Lucknow (UP) invited the online application for the admission to the M.Phil (Clinical Psychology) for the academic

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My cheerful rabbit!

It literally enhances my mental state and helps to reduce my stress whenever I’m tired and feel appalling. It teaches

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Self Help

Recognizing Your Own Triggers

It would be amazing if we could put all of our emotions in a box and deal with them when

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Awareness Health

Know About Cross-Cultural Psychology: History, Types, And Impacts

Cross-cultural psychology studies how cultural characteristics impact the behavior of human beings. However, several aspects of behavior and thought are

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10 Skills You Need to Excel in the 21st Century, According to Psychology

The 21st century is highly unpredictable, it is characterised by rapid change in all areas of our lives. We can

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Talking Therapies: A Future to treat Cardiovascular Diseases!!

Recently European Health Journal published a context related to how talking therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be used

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