Psychologs Magazine


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Psychologs is a magazine that aims to provide insightful and informative articles on various aspects of Mental Health and Psychology. The magazine is designed to appeal to both professionals in the field of psychology as well as the general public who are interested in understanding human behavior and Psychological Issues.


The psychology behind Necrophilia

The psychology behind Necrophilia This article might be disturbing for some individuals The term Necrophilia has been derived from the

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The psychology of animal lovers

The majorities of individuals adores animals and consider their beloved pets to be essential parts of the family. It’s considered

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The Psychology Behind Revenge

Revenge is the urge to exact retribution for an injustice or wrong committed by another person by inflicting hurt or

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The Psychology of Risk-Taking

Risk-taking is the willingness to take a chance and try something new, that may have the possibility of failing or

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Life Style

The Psychology of Money and Happiness

“Money doesn’t buy happiness or does it?” In 2010, psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton attempted to investigate if

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7 Types Of Psychology

Psychology is defined as the study of mind and behaviour. The concept of psychology was first introduced by the German

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Consistency: A Real key to Success

Success is a word that describes our ultimate goal. In today’s world, everyone wants to become successful. Most of us

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Life Style

The Psychology of Happiness

If you were asked, “What do you want out of life?” What would your response be? You may wish to

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The Psychology Behind Masturbation: What You Need to Know?

Masturbation is a natural behavior where people self-stimulate their genitals to achieve orgasm. This sexual act is common among all

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News Relationship

Seema Haider Is Under Polygraph Test: what will be the result?

According to reports, Seema Haider met Sachin in 2019 through an online gaming platform, PUBG. Almost four years later, she

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