Psychologs Magazine


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Psychologs is a magazine that aims to provide insightful and informative articles on various aspects of Mental Health and Psychology. The magazine is designed to appeal to both professionals in the field of psychology as well as the general public who are interested in understanding human behavior and Psychological Issues.


What is Evolved Navigation Theory (ENT)?

Have you ever wondered why people are afraid of heights or feel dizzy when looking down at a skyscraper? To

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UNICEF defines Cyberbullying as bullying with the use of technology. It is a repeated behavior aiming at scaring, angering, or

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Admission for PhD in Psychology

Applications are invited for the admission in psychology department in the University of Calcutta for PhD course and subsequent research

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Awareness Health

Know About the Mood Disorders and Its Impact on Our Mental Health

Mood disorders are those mental health disorders that majorly impact the emotional well-being of an individual. These disorder impact for

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Foodie calls: dating for a free meal (rather than a relationship)

When it comes to dating, there is a lot of possibilities that people can present themselves and their interest in

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Health News

Brain scans have the potential to disclose a lot about mental illness

Researchers have been able to look inside the human brain thanks to MRI images. Furthermore, the technique is excellent at

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How to take care of your mental health while preparing for competitive exams?

Academic stress refers to the distress caused among students due to exams, studies, deadlines for submissions, competitive environment, etc. This

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Health News

Linking Mental Health with Blood Pressure Variability (BPV)

According to new research, both the heart and the mind are involved when patients suffer from mental illness. Our hearts’

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University of madras recruitments 2020

Applications are invited for candidates for the post of psychologist on a temporary basis in the DST-CSIR funded project entitled

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People’s life in Chennai is being hijacked by gambling.

The year began with news of a family’s murder-suicide in Chennai, when the remains of a 36-year-old bank employee, who

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