Counseling Psycholgist and Research Scholar
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.

Garima Patwari, Counseling Psycholgist Dedicated to exploring and sharing the wonders of Psychology. I have an overall experience of 6 years of working with MNC and academic organizations. My Ph.D area is positive psychology. I have conducted various workshops and faculty development programs on stress management and student engagement and other such topics for diverse audience ranging from school children to CRPF personnels.


Hope: Our Lifeguard During Adversity

From my room’s big square window, I see huge palm trees, the grass greener like never seen before, blooming red roses, birds flocking

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