Fariyal Asad

Fariyal Asad

  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.

Hi! I am a graduate psychology student. I've completed my graduation from Ambedkar University Delhi. I am a psychology enthusiast and highly passionate about the subject. My fascination for the subject has grown out of my practical experiences in the field and also from the books that were constantly feeding me with information about human behaviour. These things not only motivated me to look deeper into the subject but aslo made me think and question the existing realities. I was intrigued by the fact that I was so engrossed with it and it never happened before. This made me realise that I am genuinely interested in psychology and decided to pursue a career in it. For me, psychology has been an ultimate tool for developing myself. It has so many things that can be applied in your own life and make you a better person. Each and every theory and fact has contributed in making me think critically and creatively. Over the past few years, I learned the skill of learning new things that can benefit me as well as others. I have developed the sense of being sensitive towards other people and it has made me more empathetic and non-judgmental. This has led me to write and create sensitivity about the very basic things that we all know but still don't practice. One of aim is to spread positivity and awareness through my content to generate hope and thought in people that they are not alone no matter what. For me, human experiences can teach and motivate each other. I would love to create safe spaces for people where they can share their experiences and learn from the experiences of others. It is important to acknowledge each other in order to develop and build a space that is sensitive to the experiences and emotions of others. I am ardent towards my goal of developing a future in the field of psychology so that I will be able to bring change and happiness in the lives of other people. My previous experiences of working in clinical settings gave me the opportunity to learn from the experts and not only this their passion to work for people and help them ultimately fueled my motivation.

Positive Self Help

Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest of them all?

You remember anything from this line? Anything crossed your mind; it is something that we must have heard when we all were kids.

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Awareness Self Help

Why do we need to be part of a group?

Even though we have been existing as individuals with our own identities, we are always involved with some type of group or the

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Looking through the eyes of a kidnapper

There might have been a case or we might have heard about an incident that would have shaken us, instilled some sense of

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How Romantic Movies Influence The Way In Which We Perceive Love?

It is no doubt that romantic movies have taught us some things about love. As young people or kids we have used them

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What Relation Does Humans And Animals Share?

Just like humans, there are other creatures that live on the planet earth. Not all of them come in contact with humans but

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Are Serial Killers born or are they made?

Till date it is possible that we might have heard about a few people and cases that might have impacted us, made us

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Self-Awareness is the key to Self-Mastery

“Don’t be sad! It is such a waste of time”. “Hey you look sad, don’t be, try being happy?”. “Try being happy, you

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Awareness Self Help

Attitude: What is the way of living in the world?

We humans, we live on the planet of Earth which has various characteristics which made life possible and sustainable for the living beings.

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Optimism in students

As per 2020 statistics, student population is 40 crore in India and this figure includes the students from schools, colleges and other educational

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Why Do We Often Indulge In Binge Watching?

It is not something that we have not done. In today’s world one of the biggest sources of entertainment is through watching online

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