Dr Mamta Jain

Dr Mamta Jain

  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
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Dr Mamta Jain is a Gold Medalist in Psychology. She has extensive experience in handling Alcoholic De-Addiction cases, Child counselling, Behavioral Therapist, Special Educator, NLP certified and Internet De-Addiction specialist. She is a Consulting Psychologist. She is an expert in the field of educational, organizational, hedonic and child psychology with 14 years of experience. She is a happiness expert with research on personality, happiness and hedonic field of psychology using software SPSS for data analysis and skilled in psychometrics and data analysis to provide inputs for result-oriented results in organizations.


Messages! Are you taking it too seriously?

Every single day, our mobiles are flooded with humongous greetings of ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Night’. Thousands of motivational messages and jokes we

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