Dr. Jyoti Sharma

Dr. Jyoti Sharma

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Hi there, I am Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Currently working as Assistant professor in Amity University, Gurugram, India Foremost, I am a child of this Universe, like you all. I am passionate about learning and imparting knowledge of different modalities to understand the inner world of psychology and understand the universe. The one that we see with naked eyes, and the one which is inside each one of us. I am a Psychologist, Mindfulness practitioner and Teacher, Reiki Grandmaster, and FEFT Practitioner. I love writing as well as Healing. I am grateful for everything that comes to abide in life since it teaches some or the other thing in the process of life. To all the readers out there, I would like to share a thought if it may help anyone out there as I believe many events are not coincidences in life. When you feel you low, vulnerable, anxious or confused, “when it feels the water in the stream has run dry, sit and watch for the rising clouds”, as with these emotions there lies other emotion which we forget to harbor just because we are busy just noticing and worrying over water in the stream getting dry. The choice remains in our hands. We choose and reflect.

Awareness Positive Self Help


“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.”

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Positive Self Help

The power of Pause and a Breath  

In this time of chaos, we have been isolated from our routines and support systems. We have got a lot of time in

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