Dr Ashutosh Srivastava

Dr Ashutosh Srivastava

Director of Psyuni Institute of Psychology and Applied Psychology
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
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Ashutosh Srivastava is a Practising Clinical Psychotherapist with over 15 years of hands-on experience in the sphere of Behaviour Analysis, Psychotherapy and Counselling & Training. He is currently the President of Bharatiya Counselling Psychology Association and one of the Board Members of the ReAttach Therapy Foundation, The Netherlands. He is MPhil in Clinical Psychology and PhD in Psychology with specialization in Psychological Profiling. He is also a certified career analyst and a qualified career coach. He is a very effective trainer for Behaviour Change and has trained more than 10000 professionals from more than 12 states of India on a variety of Attitude and Behaviour change protocols. He has worked with various organizations of national & and International repute. He is also the Director of Psyuni Institute of Psychology Sciences and his organization is working meticulously to promote mental health among children, women and various deprived and marginalized groups in India.


Power of Therapeutic use of Gratitude

We have been trained to look at the negativity around us; problems in others, our lives or ourselves; at our limitations and our

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