Anjali Seth

Anjali Seth

  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
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Self Help

Do Life Skills Matter for Mental Well-Being?

Life is full of surprises and situations. It’s a process of learning, forgetting, relearning, and unlearning. Each day is a

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How to be mindful all the time?

Time is money. Today’s people are trying to save their time for better family relations, quality work performance, and spending

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Life Style

Grounding Exercise for Reducing Stress

In the 21st century life has become way more complicated than before. It became necessary for people to multitask to

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Self Help Technology

Social Media Addiction Among Children and how to deal with it.

In today’s world of the internet, people are far from each other, but they can communicate and interact with each

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How Debt affects mental health?

We are living in the era of Brands, social media influencer, attention and fame. Most of the people are willing

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Self Help

The Psychology behind Napping

Have you ever experienced a sense of irrigation or lack of focus during your daily routine without even knowing the

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List of skills required in effective counselling sessions

After COVID-19, people are opening up about mental health. It also removed the stigma of mental health concern for greater

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Positive Self Help

Aham Brahmasmi: Deciding Your Self-Image

“I am what … I think you think I am.” Self-image is an internal mental picture/idea you have of yourself.

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Mental Health is a Universal Human Right

Last year on World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organization decided theme: “Mental health is a universal human right”.

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