Anjali Seth

Anjali Seth

  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.


Echoes From Antiquity: The Inhuman Practice of Trephination in Brain Medicine

In the field of psychology, much controversial treatment has been used in the past. It was an attempt to help

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Self Help

Psychology Behind Emotional Needs

As humans, individuals have some emotions and expectations that direct their everyday behavior. It’s difficult to do the same task

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Adopt 21 easy habits for a healthy mind and body

Life is beautiful, but people can enjoy it only when they are mentally and physically fit. When people are not

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The Psychology Behind Social Influence

Social influence can be explained as international or unintentional change, revision, or adaptation in anyone’s behaviour or perception (opinion or

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Psychology Behind Happy Marriages

Society of humans functions on certain norms and rules. The objective of this process is to protect and maintain harmony

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Self Help

Difference between self-care and Narcissistic behavior

History revealed that humans have been pleasure-seeking creatures since the beginning. They functioned on natural human drivers to feel happy

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Self Help

The Psychology Behind the Fear of Abandonment

In life, it’s really common to be fearful and anxious in relationships when things do not work as expected. Sometimes,

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The psychology behind Road Rage

Social media Such as news channels and newspapers reports thousands of road rage and road accidents and no. of deaths

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Self Help

How to Handle Haters in Your Workplace

In the 21st century to meet livelihood expenses people are opting for jobs in higher numbers than before. Workplace life

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Self Help

How to handle Grief?

Grief is experienced by each individual at any stage of life. It can be the loss of an animal, a

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