Anjali Seth

Anjali Seth

  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.

Self Help

Behaviorism: History, Types, and Impact

Since the beginning of evolution, humans have been curious about nature. Because of this humans have developed into social being.

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How Patience Can Be Enhanced Through Spirituality and Improve Quality Of Life

In life, we all have faced some situations where things were not in our control and that situation affected our

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Self Help

Boredom: A gateway to creativity and self-discovery

In life, we often experience moments of boredom, especially when the task is not in our interest. It can be

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Self Help

Psychology Behind Helping Nature

Helping Nature simply means helping anyone by providing resources or fulfilling their needs (financial, emotional, social, psychological or personal). The

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Self Help

Psychology Behind Ego and Why It Is Necessary

Life is a journey of discovery and growth. As Human grows, they are expected to learn from each experience they

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A recent study shows a positive association between obesity and type 1 diabetes

Good health is necessary for a happy life. But it’s something a person has to achieve by putting in constant

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Self Help

The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Society

In the past, while people were inventing new technology and methods to enhance life for people in society, one thing

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The Importance of Inclusive Education for Students

Education is a medium for earning and learning in life. In today’s era, parents are very much concerned about children’s

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The psychology behind the live-in relationship

Love, romance, and Sex always attract human beings. In the 21st century with the impact of K Drama and Social

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Self Help

The Psychology Behind Self-help Books

In life, we all are struggling with some type of psychological and emotional conflict. Our Objective in life is to

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