Doctoral Research Scholar (Space Law), Visiting Faculty of Law
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
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Ajay is writer, researcher and a young academician who is an artist at heart and passionate about transformative cause. He is actively involved in social, artistic, literary, research and academic related discourses. He is keenly interested in reading and learning across knowledge domains. He has done Masters in International Law and Human Rights. Currently he is pursuing Doctoral research in International Space Law from Delhi University. Author is looking forward with utmost hope to contribute in making this world worth place for meaningful living.


Becoming sarvo’guna’-sampanna beyond ‘merit’

In the Indian philosophical sense, the intriguing concept of ‘guna’ can be traced in classical ancient sources like Veda, Upanishad, Purana, and other

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Awareness Self Help

Conscious learning from crisis

Sowing Seeds of sensitivityDeep down in my heartNo matter where life plants meSrijan will spring up from my soul! Srijan means creative capacity.

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