A Study Found That Poor Literacy is Linked to Worse Mental Health Problems
Health News

A Study Found That Poor Literacy is Linked to Worse Mental Health Problems

The researchers from the University of East Angelia (UEA), have conducted the first study on global literacy and its impact on mental health. They have found that people who have low literacy tend to have poorer mental health and are more prone to suffer from depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

As the world is moving towards being literate, there are still 783 million people on Earth who do not know how to read or write. The study aimed at understanding such individuals and what problems they face regarding their mental health. These studies took place in nine countries- US, China, Nepal, Thailand, Iran, India, Ghana, Pakistan, and Brazil involving over two million participants. The study was published in the journal of mental health and social inclusion. There were major revelations regarding literacy and its correlation with mental health that are better understood through this research.

Literate people have better chances of getting a job, making a living, or owning a house. There were more illiterate people found in areas of conflict where there are poor socio-economic conditions. After years of no schooling, these people find it hard to look for work later on and even buy or rent places to stay. They tend to be left behind and live in bad hygienic places. This brings major health complications and leads to poorer standards of living for them.

Women seemed to have been the gender who suffer more from illiteracy than men. It was also noted that though there is no direct causation between literacy and mental health, poor literacy does lead to poorer mental health. Illiteracy also leads to chronic illnesses and diseases. All factors combined leads to a ton of mental health struggles added with the socio-economic burdens.

We should strive to educate people and make them self-sufficient. Basic literacy is very important for the well-being of a person. There should be stricter policies regarding education and incentives to help backward sections of our society. Once a person knows how to read or write they build a capacity to understand the world around them which helps them feel more connected with others. This study has helped researchers understand how literacy is important for mental health, and how much of a boon it is for people to earn their living. I think through such studies researchers have a better understanding of global literacy which has helped us understand its importance of it. 

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