Search Results for : trauma
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Psychological First Aid (PFA): An Immediate Assistance to Deal Trauma

1) Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a scientific way of lessening symptoms associated with stress due to unavoidable circumstances in life. PFA is based on the notion of resilience which aids in the successful recovery from a traumatic event, natural


How your body responds to Trauma

Persistence of traumatic events may remain imprinted in the minds of victims even after they are over, irrespective of the fact that these are potential physical or psychological traumas. While society now realizes that traumatic events have a very crucial contribution

Self Help

Harmful Behaviours that are actually Trauma Response

Trauma has become a jargon these days as people on social media platforms are using it frequently not knowing the severity and the spectrum of traits it holds. A prevalent example of a traumatic event can be children being threatened


A Guide to Trauma Response

In this context, the term “trauma” refers to occurrences that elicit powerful physiological and emotional reactions. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Trauma and Justice Strategic Initiative, trauma happens when a person undergoes an emotionally


Exploring Trauma Dumping: Impact and Coping Strategies

People have a variety of stress reactions following a traumatic event, including “trauma dumping.” Trauma dumping, often referred to as emotional dumping, is when someone inappropriately and excessively communicates their painful experiences or emotional suffering with others, frequently without taking


How trauma affects emotional development in children?

An experience that a child finds immensely stressful or emotionally agonizing, resulting in long-term mental and bodily implications is known as trauma in a child. Children who endure from child traumatic push are those children who have been uncovered to

Awareness Self Help

Trauma: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

With rising awareness about mental health on social media and other sources of information, the term “trauma” gets thrown around a lot. But do we know what it means, and how it can be overcome? Read on to know more


Psychology behind Traumatic Events

Recently, Japan faced a severe earthquake and it had an impact on the environment, animals, and people. This natural calamity has left a long-lasting effect on individual mental well-being as they lose their homes and livelihoods. As a result, this


Trauma Due to Childhood Sexual Abuse

Unfortunately, we see many of these cases every day when we look at the newspaper or TV channels. Childhood sexual abuse is a cancer to our society. It is one of the most offensive crimes one can commit in this

Self Help

Power of Self-Care in Trauma Recovery

Trauma is an extremely disturbing event that can negatively affect a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health in significant and long-lasting ways. For every one of us, trauma is a part of life. We could encounter trauma in a multitude