Search Results for : psychotic disorders

Thought Disorders and Perception of Them in Other Mental Disorders

In our daily life, we take a lot of decisions based on our ideas, and opinions on a certain topic or any specific situation. These decisions or ideas and opinions can be called our thoughts. Thought plays a major role


Are Creative People Prone to Suffer from Mental Disorders?

Introduction to Creativity and Mental disorder We are aware of the benefits of expressive art therapy. For individuals with mental diseases including depression, autism, and cognitive impairment. It doesn’t just work for people with some kind of psychological illness. It

Awareness Health

Dissociative Disorders: on overview

Dissociative disorders are indicative of dissociation and a lack of continuity in the normal amalgamation of consciousness, identity, memory, body representation, perception, emotion, behaviour and motor control. Dissociative symptoms carry the potential to disrupt almost every aspect of psychological functioning.

Awareness Health

Know About the Mood Disorders and Its Impact on Our Mental Health

Mood disorders are those mental health disorders that majorly impact the emotional well-being of an individual. These disorder impact for a long duration and deals with severe forms of expression of both happiness and sadness. Mood changes are normal in

Awareness Health

Personality Disorders: Comprehensive Analysis

Overview: Personality disorders are the result of mental illness that uniquely impacts personality traits, which leads the person to behave in bizarre and destructive ways and significantly disrupts that individual’s important areas of life. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical

Health News

Risk of Early Dementia with Mental Disorders

According to a study sponsored in part by NIA and published in JAMA Psychiatry, mental illnesses early in life increase the risk of dementia and dementia occurring at a younger age. Researchers looked at the health records of 1.7 million


Life After Psychosis: The Rehabilitation of Patients with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is the descriptive term for a group of psychotic disorders in which personal, social and occupational functioning deteriorate as a result of unusual emotional states, disturbed thought processes, strange perceptions and motor abnormalities. As of December 2023, the prevalence


What is the ‘Social Drift’ Hypothesis?

The social drift hypothesis highlights the link between mental illness and social class. This means that individuals with mental health issues or disabilities often face financial challenges due to various factors. These include difficulties in finding employment, workplace discrimination due


Understanding the Overlap in Mental Illnesses

A mental disorder is a general word describing a wide variety of psychological disorders that impact behaviour, cognitive abilities, and day-to-day functioning. They affect your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and depression are a few common


Common Nightmares and Its Impact on Mental Health

Nightmares are a disturbing dream which awakens you from your sleep and even causes anxiety and fear which may make it difficult to fall asleep again. It is associated with negative feelings which might persist even the following day. They