Search Results for : phobia

Thalassophobia: Fear of Oceans and Large Water bodies

Imagine an endless stretching ocean, its deep blue colour merging with the horizon. The rhythmic sounds of the waves feel like soothing music. The salty breeze refreshes your mind as it touches your skin. Didn’t this magically relax you? What

Awareness Health

What is Fatphobia and why should we be concerned about it?

Growing awareness and complications of obesity have led young people to become more concerned with their diet. Fatphobia, which is harmful to health, has rapidly emerged globally, especially among young people. It is different from fat-shaming as criticism is generally

Awareness Self Help

Mysophobia: Symptoms, Cause and Treatment

Mysophobia is a type of phobia based on an intense and illogical dread of dirt, germs, or contamination. It is reasonable and wise to be concerned about things like food cross-contamination, coming into contact with other people’s bodily fluids, and


Math phobia: Causes, Symptoms, Ways to Overcome

Because of its significance to people’s daily lives, math is regarded as one of the most important disciplines in schooling. It has long been acknowledged as a prerequisite for most professions and daily living. Many students view mathematics as a


Nomophobia: Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

In today’s world, it seems impossible to function without our mobile phones. From simple tasks like looking at the time, finding out what day it is, and looking at the coming week’s weather forecast, to crucial activities like connecting to


What is Ombrophobia?

Ombrophobia, also known as pluviophobia, is an anxiety complaint characterized by an inordinate and illogical fear of rain. People with ombrophobia may experience intense anxiety, panic attacks, and avoidance behaviours when exposed to rain or the thought of rain. It


Understanding Psychology Behind Fear and Phobias

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer,” reminds the protagonist from the movie Dune. However, fear is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a powerful emotion that has evolved in humans as a survival mechanism. But when fear


Hodophobia: Are You Scared of Travelling?

Social media may be the ideal venue in today’s tech-obsessed society to exhibit the beauty of the world to armchair tourists worldwide, but travelling is so much more than just grabbing that perfect Instagram photo. Travel should have a purpose.


Ergophobia: Understanding the Fear of Work and Its Implications

We all must have at some point in life been scared of anything or anyone in life as a kid or teenager. However exaggerated and irrational fear of something is different, It is known as phobia. We all know people

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Transphobia: Examining the Current State in India

In India, the term “transphobia” is used to describe the antagonism, prejudice, and discrimination that transgender people encounter in many facets of their existence. Different manifestations of transphobia exist, such as social stigma, exclusion, violence, and restricted access to necessary