Search Results for : neurological disorder

Kleine-Levin Syndrome: The Sleeping Beauty Disorder

In this fast-moving world, sleep has become a luxury. Imagine getting the much-needed 8 hours of peaceful sleep after a long tiring day. Sleep restores your body and is essential for your well-being. But how about longer periods, say, 16

Awareness Self Help

Misophonia: Understanding and Treating Sound Sensitivity Disorder

The Misophonia is also described as a word “hatred of sound” and is like more than just a dislike for such certain noises. It is a neurological disorder, and It affects everyday activities and may trigger intense emotional or psychological


Pervasive Developmental Disorders 

You might not have heard the term “pervasive developmental disorder” (PDD) in a while. That’s because, in 2013, the medical community transitioned to a more inclusive term: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). But what exactly does this spectrum encompass, and how did


Unlocking Better Sleep: Understanding and Addressing Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are situations that bring about modifications in how you sleep. A sleep disorder can affect your average health, safety and best of lifestyles. Sleep deprivation can affect your capability to drive thoroughly and increase your risk of different fitness


What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is quite common among individuals who are preoccupied with their physical appearances, even though these flaws may be imagined or minimal. Because of some similarities between them, it’s often referred to as an OCD-like disorder. BDD


Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Symptoms, Treatment and Diagnosis

A skewed sense of self and extreme, erratic emotions are symptoms of histrionic personality disorder (HPD). One definition of histrionic is “dramatic or theatrical”. “Individuals suffering with histrionic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-worth that is based on


Understanding Pica Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Remember those moments from childhood when we sometimes explored by tasting things like mud or dirt? While it’s common for children to be curious and occasionally try non-food items, some people develop an overwhelming and persistent urge to eat these


WHO Sets New Diagnostic Guidelines for Mental and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a new, complete diagnostic guide for mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders called the clinical descriptions and Diagnostic Requirements for ICD-11 Mental, behavioral, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ICD-11 CDDR). “Accurate diagnosis is often the first

Awareness Education

Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD): From Overwhelm to Overcome

Have you ever felt that you always worry about anything and everything? Do you find yourself always waiting for something bad to happen? If you answered yes to both questions, you might be suffering from a type of anxiety disorder


What is Tic disorder, and how it is connected with tourette syndrome?

Tic disorder, as described in Diagnostics and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) is a motor disorder, which comes under the category of neurodevelopmental disorders. Tic disorder is categorized by the presence of tics that occur in isolation, irrespective of