Search Results for : memories

Flashbulb Memories: Capturing the Vivid Recollection of Significant Life Events

Have you ever noticed how certain moments of your life are vividly engraved into your memory with extraordinary clarity? (like earthquakes) These vivid recollections, often of significant or emotional events, are known as flashbulb memories. Unlike everyday memories that may


Childhood Memories of Abuse Retrieved in Adulthood: A Deeper

The Intricacies of Human Memory and Trauma The complexities of human memory, particularly about traumatic experiences, offer a psychological maze in which the processes of memory retrieval and suppression are deeply entwined. When childhood abuse is involved, this relationship becomes


Emotional Attachment with School Memories at Adult Age

Many of us find ourselves reminiscing over small moments of our past school life. School memories evoke a sense of nostalgia when life is much simpler. Recall how you used to spend those hours on the last bench, sneaking into


Importance of Good Memories in Our Life

Memories are like a thread that gives life color and richness as it progresses like an interesting story. If a person neglects some recollections of memories, particularly the important ones, could lead to them disappearing. Luckily, there are resources like

Self Help

How Bad Memories Can Affect Our Intelligence: Exploring the Psychological Impact

Everyone must have gone through something in their lifetime or currently through some kind of experience that they wished had never happened. That experience tends to become an integral part of our memory which, unfortunately, is not easy to forget


The Magic of Good Memories on Mood Alleviation

The poet John Keats popularised the expression “Moments big as years,” which relates to moments in time that are so strong and vivid that they stick with us for the rest of our lives. Typically, these instances represent emotionally impactful


Rainy Days and Memories: Reflections on Wet Weather

Rainy days are a common occurrence in many parts of the world. They bring with them a unique set of experiences and emotions that are different from other types of weather. The Sights of Rainy Days The first thing that

Health News Research

Truth in Unreliable Memories: A Forensic Psychology study

When a violent occurrence is observed, our body reacts uniquely, cortisol, a stress hormone, rushes into our bloodstream, preparing us for a fight or flight response. Our focus also narrows in on the threat at hand, tunnelling our awareness down

Awareness Positive

What Are Memories?

What are memories? Memories are the various information, and knowledge stored in the mind. Things we learn, observe, hear, experience, face an obstacle, difficulties, everything adds up to forming memories in the mind. It is a power to recall an


Decoding Dreams of the Dead Through Science and Spirit

Death is a concept widely studied yet has no clear answer to it. We are always told that if someone is born, they also must die someday. Meanwhile, there are studies and countless research to know how to live forever