Search Results for : emotional disconnect
Self Help

Emotional Bankruptcy: Depleted Emotions, Indicators & Prevention

Have you ever found yourself pouring your heart into a relationship and feeling constantly drained because you are always unappreciated? If so, there’s a term for this feeling-“Emotional bankruptcy”. And it is more common in modern relationships than one might

Life Style

Are Women More Emotional than Men?

Human beings learn from experience and our experiences usually come from our immediate social and cultural environment. All of us while growing up go through the process of socialization, wherein we learn how to live in society in acceptable ways.


Art and Emotional Expression: How Aesthetics Impact Human Emotions

Art is a fundamental part of human evolution and is used to express emotions. The role played between art and emotion is a complex relationship. Artists have used their art to express a diverse range of human emotions. Aesthetics is

Self Help

Psychology Behind Emotional Regulation and Dysregulation

Have you ever been so angry that you felt like crying or hitting someone? Have you felt extremely happy after you achieved your dream job ? These extreme emotions. Emotions are part of the everyday life of any human being,

Self Help

Are You Emotionally Weak?

Emotional weaknesses, vary from individual to individual, can be defined as different phases of our emotional well-being or patterns of behaviour that can affect our personal growth, relationships, development, and overall happiness. The psychology behind emotional weaknesses! The concept of

Self Help

Emotional Isolation: The New Sense of Being

Emotional Isolation: The New Sense of Being If you were to close your eyes and think of a few people who really,’ understand you’; chances are that only a few lucky ones would be able to think of one or


Why do Some People Lack Empathy?: Psychologist Speaks

A component that every psychologist is taught about, something that we are asked to improve and build over time. Remember the example of stepping into other’s shoes and thinking? Empathy. It is being able to understand other’s emotions and what


Psychopaths and Their Eyes: What Do They Reveal?

We always look into the eyes of the person we are meeting for the first time. As they say, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”; you can always tell something about the person just by looking into their

Awareness Self Help

Empaths vs. Narcissists: Contrasting Personalities and Values

In the universe of human mentality, personalities differ in such a manner that they can range from extremes of high-level compassion to those exhibiting self-centeredness. These dichotomous types of empaths vs. narcissists share mental characteristics and behavioural differences through their


Why Do People Use Fake Smiles in Their Lives?

Smile is a universal expression of expressing happiness and this tool communicates whether you are feeling joy or warmth. A smile on your face conveys that you are happy and feeling contentment. But all the smiles are not alike, some