Search Results for : cyberbullying

How Can Parents Address the Mental Health Effects of Cyberbullying?

As a parent, you’d want to protect your child from the mean clutches of social and school bullying. However, one thing that slipped your mind is the prevalence of cyberbullying. According to Nemours Children’s Health, this type of bullying is

Crime Health

Cyberbullying and its Impact on the mental health of Youth

What is cyberbullying? When one person does something unpleasant in an online capacity, to another on purpose, a couple of times, with the intention of upsetting the other person, it is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can occur through social networking sites

Life Style

Psychology behind Aggression

In psychology, aggression often covers a wide range of behaviours that can cause physical or mental harm to oneself or others. Aggression and violence are often driven by negative emotions like fear or anger. For instance, a person may react

Awareness Self Help

Sexting and Mental Health of Young Adults

Technology has revolutionized interpersonal relationships in many ways, including sexuality. Due to the interactivity that exists on the Internet and the accessibility of current devices, it is increasingly popular to experience sexuality through technology. Sexting is a recent phenomenon. It

Self Help

Strategies for Coping with and Recovering from Online Abuse

Any form of abuse that takes place online is referred to as online abuse. Any web-connected device, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones, is susceptible to it. It can also occur anyplace on the internet, such as texts and messaging apps

Health Social

How Brain Rot is silently ruining our lives: A Psychological Perspective

Social media has become omnipresent in the lives of every digital-age citizen through interaction, information consumption, self-perception, and perception of others. While platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have revolutionized communication, they have also introduced new psychological challenges. The

Life Style

Cultural Shifts and Their Effects on Identity and Mental Health

Today, cultural shifts as a result of living in a fast-paced, information-rich, and socially evolving world are undoubtedly redefining the nature of identity and mental health more than ever before. These changes, spearheaded by globalization, digitalization, and the like, have

Life Style

The Constant Need to be Active on Social Media Platforms

Nowadays, the one who likes or comments on your social media post can boost your happiness, satisfaction and confidence with the release of hormones like endorphins, dopamine and oxytocins. Social media platforms have become more than a platform for sharing

Awareness Education

The Psychology Behind Crowd Behaviour and Mob Mentality

Researchers have observed the psychological phenomenon of mob mentality in various instances around the world. In India, the most prominent instances usually revolve around politics, religion and/or culture. Conflict between people of different cultures and the common occurrences of prejudice


Smartphone Ban Proposed in LA Schools to Combat Mental Health Issues

The Los Angeles Unified School District recently proposed a policy to ban smartphones for students in public schools. This ban aims to reduce distractions and the negative impact of these devices on the mental health of students. They aim to