Search Results for : behaviours
Positive Self Help

7 behaviours that make people lose respect for you

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word respect as” a strong feeling of approval of somebody/something because of their good qualities or achievement”. Respect is subjective and differs between individuals, communities, and cultures. For example, In Eastern culture, respect plays a

Self Help

Harmful Behaviours that are actually Trauma Response

Trauma has become a jargon these days as people on social media platforms are using it frequently not knowing the severity and the spectrum of traits it holds. A prevalent example of a traumatic event can be children being threatened


Top 10 Behaviours That Are Found in Emotional People

An essential component of human behaviour, emotional intelligence enables people to recognize and control their emotions. High emotional intelligence individuals frequently engage in particular behaviors that support their emotional health and fruitful interpersonal interactions. These are the top ten behaviours

Awareness Education

Emphasis on the importance of personality traits in determining work behaviours

Personality is a progressive alignment of psychophysical systems within the individual that distinguish distinct responses and decisions, such as being persistent and stable.No two individuals have the same personalities. Each of them has unique characters. The individuals might possess some


The Psychology Behind Infatuation

Infatuation and love are two powerful emotions that often feel similar but have vastly different foundations. Infatuation is an intense and fleeting attraction that overwhelms the senses. It is often driven by physical desires and the idealization of the other


Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

Imagine being in a world where every meal becomes a challenge. Not because you have a fear of calories or dieting but because you feel this sense of excess fear about the food. People afflicted with ARFID find that eating


14 signs you are in a Healthy Relationship, According to Psychologists

Relationships are a key aspect of an individual’s social life. It defines their attachment styles, interpersonal bonding, emotional strength, resilience and adaptability. Indulging in healthy relationships leads to the optimum physical and psychological well-being of an individual, thereby increasing their


The Role of Domestic Violence Counseling in Healing and Recovery

Domestic violence is a widespread issue, with its effects being far-reaching and severe, not only for its victims but also for their children and, at times, their communities and extended families. The impact of domestic violence may start with serious

Life Style Relationship

Psychology Behind Parasocial Relationships

Parasocial relationships can fill a void, providing a connection where real life may fall short. In the world of screens, we tend to feel closer to those favourite characters more than to those next door. What’s comforting about a parasocial


Everything you should know about Bowenian Family Therapy

Murray Bowen, M.D. a pioneer psychiatrist who worked for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) developed the Bowenian family therapy. Bowen believed that there are two fundamental forces, togetherness and individuality, in families. When these forces are out of balance,