Search Results for : abusive relationships

Abusive Relationships

Relationship abuse can be defined as a forceful behavior that are used to maintain power and control over the former or current partner causing physical, sexual or psychological harm. Abuse can be emotional , financial, sexual ,physical and include threats


Importance of Self-Respect in Relationships

In our lives, we have to stumble upon many folks who select relationships over self-respect they think that their respect can be compromised and may be adjusted while you are in a relationship. Self-esteem and self-respect percentage a near relationship.


Love Bombing: The Dark Side of Excessive Affection in Relationships

On one first date, someone gifted you a diamond necklace or told you I can’t believe it, I think I have finally found my soulmate. Is it the moment that you have been dreaming about or waiting for or is

News Research

We have to remove the stigma around same-sex relationships: United Nations

The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT) is observed every year on May 17th. This important day serves as a global reminder to fight prejudice. This is also to advance the acceptance of LGBTQ+ people, as one could


Sustainable relationships require boundaries

“Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices” –Gerard Manley Hopkins A relationship tends to be fruitful only when it contributes to the growth of a better self. For relationships to survive, specific

Awareness Relationship

Understanding Domestic Violence Through ‘It Ends With Us’

Domestic violence is a topic that’s hard to talk about but is incredibly important to understand. It’s not only about physical violence, but also about control, manipulation, and terror that can cause emotional trauma to a person. It Ends with

Awareness Life Style

The Psychology Behind Manipulation

What Is Manipulation and How to Identify and Cope With It. From a husband gaslighting his wife, to a politician making false promises to win an election, we see examples of manipulation in everyday life. Terms like love bombing and


“Daddy Issues” What is it actually?

Growing up, how has your relationship been with your father? You might not completely be aware of it, but this relationship between the two of you plays an important role in deciding who you are today. You are likely to


“I am Sorry!”, Why do People Over-apologize?

Some people tend to apologise for the minutest of errors. “Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.” “Sorry if this doesn’t make sense.” “Sorry, I’m taking too much of your time.” These are some of the common things they


Impact of Parental Abuse on Child Development

Child abuse is a genuine worldwide public health issue that has negative impacts on children and is excessive for society as an entirety. Parents may be at chance of abusing their children. Infants depend on their parents to assist in