Search Results for : Stress
Self Help

How Waiting Impacts Stress and Decision-Making

Waiting is an inherent part of the human experience, for example as a student we wait for our exam results, and a mother waits for their child to get home on time, often leading to various emotional responses, particularly stress.

Self Help

How to Handle Work Stress and Avoid Leaving Your Job?

In today’s fast world of working environment, handling stress effectively you toughest for maintaining both job performance and overall well-being. Many people have gone through stress at work but not everyone knows how to handle it without considering quitting their

Education Life Style

Family Stress Theory Explained: Managing Challenges Together

Family stress theory gives immense and valuable insights into how families manage stress and adapt to certain difficulties. It explains the way of family responsibility and response to those who pressure us and how they coping Strategies impacting the family


What is the Stress Vulnerability Model?

The Stress Vulnerability model given by Spring and Zubin in 1977 signifies why some people are more vulnerable to acquiring mental illnesses. This model follows the interplay of factors like biological, environmental, and protective factors for the identification and intervention


High Rates of Burnout Linked to Work-related Stress Among Indian Workers: Report

Due to work-related stress and poor work-life balance, a majority of Indian employees experience general dissatisfaction with their work and multiple levels of exhaustion including mental exhaustion, physical exhaustion, etc. This mental state is called Burnout and it is extremely


How To Manage Stress and Anxiety For The Elderly

Reducing stress and anxiety is a crucial aspect in maintaining the health of an aged individual so that she/he can enjoy their later years. Old age leads people to different problems which seems like race competition that kills your stress


15 Effective Stress Management Strategies for a Healthier Life

Stress is present in various aspects of our lives and continues to be a popular topic in research. Stress is understood as a discrepancy between the physical or psychological demands to be met and the available resources, such as the

Positive Self Help

Meditation for Anxiety: Stress Reduction and Emotional Balance

According to WHO, 4 % of the world’s population is currently living with anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders, with 301 million per cent worldwide. Anxiety is very common for everyone, those who suffer from anxiety disorders


Avoid Car-Buying Stress: How a VIN Decoder Can Protect Your Mental Health

Purchasing a car may be a very stressful experience. From finding the model appropriate for you to bargaining prices, it all could turn very overwhelming very quickly. But there’s one thing: a VIN decoder. This article will tell you how

Positive Self Help

How a Mother’s Stress Impacts the Fetus

According to Assistant Professor, Padma Sri Lekha P, “The mothers’ stress has a significant impact on the fetus. A few ways the stress can be reduced is through mindfulness practices and journaling. The simple mindfulness practices as just observing the