Search Results for : Motivation
Self Help

Theories of Motivation

Let us begin by, what we mean by motivation. Motivation can be described as the internal process which activates, guides, and sustains our behavior or action toward achieving goals. It’s about finding the reason on why we do what we


6 Tips to Gain Motivation: Be Motivated Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

A lack of motivation might be the largest barrier to achieving your objectives, whether it’s the inability to find the motivation to clean your home or to reduce weight. When you lack the drive to finish a task—or simply to


Eustress vs. Distress: The Fine Line Between Motivation and Overwhelm

In this Particular Article, You will learn about the flip sides of stress in our daily life, Eustress and Destress and learn what you need and how to balance your life with both. Stress is inevitable! It’s a part of


Top 10 Motivational Books to read in 2024

In our lives, there are always moments when we feel that we are stuck or circling in the same loop again and again. Those are the times when we need some external motivation to help us break through the spiral


The psychology behind self-motivation

People have lots of dreams, plans, and ambitions in their lives. They often feel that they can achieve what they desire if they find the right direction and resources. But most of the time, people do not get or achieve


Exploring the Motivations Behind a Stalker’s Behavior

The word ‘stalking’ is used around these days very casually. You might hear people say that they’ve stalked someone online even if they just browsed the other person’s Instagram account one time. By doing this, the meaning of the word

Life Style

Psychology Behind Motivation

Motivation is what drives and aligns people towards a common goal. That is, motivation involves goal-directed behaviour. It is the driving force behind human behaviour. We are not all born motivated. Without motivation, you will not be able to achieve


Importance of Motivation During the Childhood

Motivation is an essential process for humans throughout their lives as it serves as a driving force that fuels their behavior, shapes goals, and influences overall well-being. In the childhood time period, it has a major role as it structures


Altruism: Motivations Behind Kindness and Helping Behavior

Picture this: You’re walking down the street, lost in your own thoughts. This is when suddenly you witness a random act of kindness that warms your heart. Maybe it’s a stranger helping an elderly person cross the road, or someone

Health News Research

Research: Schizophrenia patients feel a lack of motivation

Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental and brain condition that affects cognition, emotion, and thinking processes. Although positive symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions are used to diagnose schizophrenia, negative symptoms such as anhedonia, amotivation, and expressive dysfunctions are used to determine