Search Results for : Intelligence

Understanding Spearman’s Theory of Intelligence 

Have you ever wondered what your report card says about your intellectual abilities? Imagine you received good marks in all the subjects, but somewhat struggled in mathematics. This might impact your overall result, but what does this say about your


Exploring the Many Facets of Intelligence in Children

When we talk about how kids learn and grow, intelligence is a big part of it. It’s not just about being good at school. It’s also about how well they talk, and get along with others. Understanding all these helps

Industrial Technology

Overcoming Aversion to Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

With the rapid development of AI technology, many tasks are becoming automated making our lives easier. Scepticism is a common response to such new advancements as it is a human tendency to question new concepts or technologies since historical times


What is the G-Factor in intelligence?

A construct known as the g-factor was created in psychometric studies of human intelligence and cognitive capacities. The term “general intelligence,” sometimes referred to as the g factor & or general factor, describes the presence of a wide mental capability


Triarchic theory of intelligence

If you tend to observe your friends, family members, or relatives, you may notice differences in the way they see, observe, perceive, or even do things. Individual differences are one of those interesting facets of humans. Many Psychologists and researchers


What is Social Intelligence?

In a world that is completely drowned in social media – memes, reels, trends, likes, shares, and comments; the real human connection is the essence of each of our lives. Imagine getting into a room full of people, each of


Psychology and Artificial Intelligence

According to Luxton, AI is typically described both as the technology designed to perform activities that normally require human intelligence and a multidisciplinary field of science concerned with understanding and developing the technology. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the


What is Emotional Intelligence?

Imagine if someone you know borrowed some money from you. He made a promise to return it by the end of that month, but somehow he didn’t do it. What will your response be? Will you become furious and call


Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Psychology

If you were asked to define an intelligent person, how would you attribute them? The first thing that comes to one’s mind after listening to the word ‘intelligent’ is that a person is good at studying. As the conversation continues,


Theories of Intelligence in Psychology

Theories In Psychology That Shaped How We View Intelligence What is Intelligence? Intelligence is a psychological phenomenon that eludes a simple definition. In the simplest terms, it refers to the mental ability of a person. The American Psychological Association defines