Search Results for : anxiety

5 Ways to Treat General Anxiety Disorder in Adults

Juggling work targets and personal life is never easy, and anxiety spares none. In fact, according to Justine Carino, a therapist, it is a normal human emotion everyone has. If managed well, it can help in our survival, as it


Anxiety could be fueled by High-Fat Diet: Study

According to a new study from the University of Colorado Boulder, reaching for comfort foods high in fat when stressed may fuel anxiety. The research found that in animals, a high-fat diet disrupts the balance of gut bacteria, leading to


New Study Reveals Anxiety Risks with Synthetic Estrogen in Contraceptives

A new research presented at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, came up with a significant finding. The type of estrogen in hormonal birth control may significantly influence anxiety-like behaviours. Researchers found that synthetic estrogen in


Children of blue-collar workers in India face higher risks of depression and anxiety

Key Points: In India, there is a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds, and many people work blue-collar jobs. These jobs, which include roles in manufacturing, construction, maintenance, and similar fields, can bring about specific challenges that affect the well-being of

Awareness Self Help

Acupressure for Anxiety: Top Pressure Points for Quick Relief

Anxiety is a typical human emotion characterised by feelings of uneasiness, dreadfulness, and worry, which can cause physical symptoms such as restlessness, muscular tightness, difficulty concentrating, and exhaustion. It can manifest in a variety of ways, affecting both mental and


Australian former prime minister admits to struggling with anxiety 

Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke about his struggle with anxiety during his tenure, proving one can still work in the top job even with anxiety if the right treatment is taken. It is not the first time that

Awareness Self Help

Overwhelmed by Anxiety? Effective Coping Methods to Try

The American Psychological Association defines ‘anxiety’ as a vague diffused feeling which is ‘future-oriented’ and a long-acting response to a possible ‘threat’. The emotion is characterized by feeling tension, restlessness, worrying, visible shaking, increased blood rate and palpitation. Getting occasional


10 Best Therapy Dogs for Depression and Anxiety 

It is commonly known that Major Depressive Disorder ranks high in psychological disease burden worldwide. Into the bargain the prevalence rate of Generalized Anxiety Disorder are also significantly rising in chart. In the current population 1 out of 5 individuals

Self Help

Anxiety: It’s not all in the mind

“You know what, I have figured it out. I can control my occasional anxiety attacks.” A patient in his 30s casually rationalises his state a few days after going through a panic attack. Everyone feels anxious from time to time.


8.4 million people were prescribed Anti-anxiety drug “Pregabalin” in the UK

In 2018, there were twice as many deaths linked to the drug “pregabalin” compared to previous years. Some press reports published that this is like “the opioid crisis in the US”, where many people were harmed by addictive drugs. We