Journey or Destination: what will you choose?

Journey or Destination: what will you choose?

A person walking on road

Everyone around us constantly reminds us to concentrate on the end result. But what aids in the change in us is the journey that takes us to where our aspirations are. Every journey starts with a single step. One must immediately take action in order to bring about the change one desires, not in the direction of one final goal. Even if you don’t do significantly better while travelling, keep going regardless. You’re sure to pick up new skills, meet interesting people, and grin as you remember the past.

We frequently overlook what the future has in store because we are so preoccupied with what the past has given us. After some time has passed, you will look back at your youthful self with a sheepish grin knowing that you have gained valuable life experience. These lessons cannot ever be taught in organisations like schools. No number of classes can adequately prepare us for life.

Journey of life

We frequently overlook what the future has in store because we are so preoccupied with what the past has given us. After some time has passed, you will look back at your youthful self with a sheepish grin knowing that you have gained valuable life experience. These lessons cannot ever be taught in organisations like schools. No number of classes can adequately prepare us for life.

You will meet individuals who will be helpful to you, friends who will leave you, and connections that will never amount to anything else. But when we affect someone’s life, we frequently leave our fingerprints behind. Everyone has acquired knowledge from others. Our first teachers are our parents. Through them, we pick up life’s fundamentals.

In this world, there are billions of individuals. Each of them is moving forward on their own path. We must never lose sight of the fact that, despite changes in our aims and aspirations, the path to learning never changes. It changes us and helps us become the better person. One thing is certain: the journey transforms us into who we are, regardless of whether our ambitions alter or stay the same.


The destination is “like a dot on the map” and represents the ultimate objective of all our efforts. Focusing on the end goal makes it clear how different our current situation is from where we want to be. Knowing there is an ideal state and they are not there yet, that gap motivates people. Not only is our objective beautiful, but it also hurts that we haven’t yet reached it.

It doesn’t matter how many “good deeds” we perform over the course of our life. Never do our good deeds offset our negative.

We need to thoroughly assess ourselves as humans to determine whether or not we have confidence in god. Even though we may live extraordinary lives by our own standards, if we don’t know God and don’t live for him, the Lord will not find our lives pleasing.

The world attempts to convince us that our ultimate goal is to land a good career, meet the ideal partner, or purchase a big house, but that is untrue.

People who think in this way have a wrong perspective on life because they always strive to reach their “final destination” rather than enjoying each day for God.

Journey vs destination

We frequently focus on our desired outcomes to the point that we entirely ignore the steps necessary to get there. We forget how it feels to be here because we want to get there so desperately. Even if the destination is very essential, our tales are fantastic because of the trip. It’s the process that gets us ready in the best possible manner for the vision that comes to us clearly at the start of any major undertaking.

Additionally, when we are overly preoccupied with getting there, it may cause us to have a restrictive mindset. Sometimes the destination of a journey might alter as we proceed.

Since life is a journey and not a destination, we say that “life is a journey, not a destination” because it is a journey on which we learn and develop into the person we are. We must always keep in mind that life is a journey with both highs and lows. There will be days with blue skies and delight and days with downpours and suffering.

The path of life is lovely because it never ends and we learn and develop with every breath we take, through the joys and the tears. As we become older, we are better able to look back on the past, assess our progress, and anticipate our future progress in life.

How to focus on the journey?
  • Make it specific
  • Start small and break it down.
  • Determine your obstacles
  • Everyday reflection
  • Slow down
  • Recognise that you are currently living in the good old days
  • Schedule time
  • Remove your focus from the goal
  • Celebrate your progress

It’s tempting to believe you haven’t succeeded until you reach a major goal when you have one. anything less than perfect is a failure. But this ignores the advancements and successes made along the way. The journey itself is not nearly as fulfilling as the lessons we learn about life, the information we acquire, and the people we meet. These experiences and friendships are precious and will make your future happier and much smarter.


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