Search Results for : substance abuse

Relationships and substance abuse

According to WHO, substance abuse thus can be explained as ‘the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.’ Substance abuse can also be explained as when someone uses alcohol, drugs, and other legal substances in


Coping Withdrawal Symptoms of Substance abuse

“Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you.” Aldous Huxley Substance Abuse is a major concern worldwide, India being no exception. Alcohol, which was once used as the part of rituals


Psychology Behind Animal Abuse

Unacceptable behaviours that inflict pain and suffering on animals are called animal abuse or cruelty against animals. There has been an increase in the number of these cases but studies say that many of such cases remain undetected as the


Impact of Parental Abuse on Child Development

Child abuse is a genuine worldwide public health issue that has negative impacts on children and is excessive for society as an entirety. Parents may be at chance of abusing their children. Infants depend on their parents to assist in

Crime News

Rising drug abuse in Haryana: A cause for concern

Drugs are very damaging to your health. Some people use it for recreational purposes. For example when they are with their friends or they are at a party which is more dangerous than it seems. Many such users might go


Sexual abuse, types and related disorders

There are and have been some acts that inflict a disturbing level of mental and physical trauma but their comprehension goes beyond that. There has been categorization established by the society and norms related to those things have also been

Awareness Health Parenting

What Can Be The Impact Of Child Abuse On The Mental Health Of The Child?

Child abuse is when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, death , emotional  damage or danger to a child. There are numerous types of child abuse, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual


Understanding the Link Between ADHD and Alcohol Use

ADHD is a developmental disorder that commonly affects children, this lasts throughout adolescence and adulthood. If the symptoms are not diagnosed or managed it can cause issues relating to alcohol use disorders. There is evidence that it is associated with

Awareness Self Help

The Psychology Behind Self-Sabotaging

It is puzzling to imagine why anyone knowingly prevents themselves from achieving self-set goals. The tendency to self-sabotage seems irrational, yet most of us consciously or unconsciously engage in it. Think about the times when the fear of failure led


The Impact of Urbanization on Mental Health

People are rushing towards urban because they are not able to fulfil their needs in native places. Cities are flooded with plenty of opportunities to live, learn, explore, employment, and entertainment that make the urban areas more attractive. Urbanization refers