Search Results for : anxious
Self Help

Self-regulation Tips for People with Anxious Attachment

Therapy, emotional self-control, and spotting early warning signs of insecure attachment can help people with these attachment types. From childhood to adulthood, experiences mold people and, in the end, influence how they develop loving and wholesome interactions with others. According


Social Fear: Why Do You Feel Anxious with Others

Social anxiety can occur because of many reasons. Sometimes the fear of being judged induces anxiety in the person. Due to this restlessness and anxiety pumping in the body, we feel apprehensive and tend to avoid people as much as

Positive Self Help

Getting anxious? Facing tough times? Get your hope back!

While no one ever said life would be easy, going through tough times might seem so impossible more because we are often just under prepared for how hard things can get and how to thrive through them. Now is the


Wiring of an anxious brain and how to rewire it

Try to remember the time when you had to face an interview, appear for an important exam or give a presentation and notice everything that you were experiencing in your body and in your mind. All the situations mentioned above

Self Help

The Potential of Biofeedback in Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is something that everyone experiences at one time or another in their lives. It develops from major life changes, daily pressures, or even for no good reason. For most people, anxiety can be normal, but for others, it heightens


Orthorexia Nervosa: The Obsession with ‘Healthy’ Eating

Eating healthy is a goal that most of us would like to achieve, it’s a pathway to a better lifestyle and an answer to many of our health-related problems. A healthy diet is often synonymous with a healthier and happier

Self Help

How to identify your Emotions when you’re Depressed

Depression can be thought of as a heavy fog within your mind that blocks out everything from view and obscures how one will feel.It’s often a mix of sadness and numbness, making it hard to describe exactly what you’re feeling.

Awareness Life Style

Everything You Need To Know About the 4 types of Introverts

Imagine being invited to a party. Reluctantly or not, you dragged yourself there only for the only person you know to disappear into the sea of crowds. What would your reaction be? Would you consider this an opportunity to meet


The Impact of Conditional Parental Regard on Children

Imagine being a child and being told that you are only loved when you achieve the perfect grades, when you behave perfectly and make your parents proud. You must feel the weight of constantly being “on” and striving to be


Kleine-Levin Syndrome: The Sleeping Beauty Disorder

In this fast-moving world, sleep has become a luxury. Imagine getting the much-needed 8 hours of peaceful sleep after a long tiring day. Sleep restores your body and is essential for your well-being. But how about longer periods, say, 16