Search Results for : Psychology

Understanding the Essential Skills in Psychology

In today’s world, understanding the behaviour of a person is complex. As we all know psychology is the study of human behavior and mind. Psychologists are the professionals who help people cope with harmful behaviour and the social and emotional


Psychology of Persuasion: How to get people to say yes 

In the name of democracy – let us use that power – let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world – a decent world that will give men a chance to work – that will give youth


10 Effective Strategies to Battle Procrastination, According to Psychology

“I promise, just two more minutes.” We mutter to our alarm as we desperately try to avoid starting another hectic day. Our day begins with procrastination, so it is quite easy to imagine that it probably ends with it as


The Psychology Behind LinkedIn

Have you LinkedIn? So is it an algorithm that works to land you in your dream job? Or does it cause a glitch in your mind? Does it give you an edge? Or do you feel on edge always? Let’s


Psychology behind Wisdom

One of those qualities we admire in others, yet often quite hard to define, is wisdom. Wise people give great advice, tend to keep calm under pressure, and seem to deeply understand the complications of life. But what exactly is


The Psychology behind Job Insecurity

Job insecurity refers to a prevalent emotional state that encompasses the feeling of uncertainty and anxiety surrounding one’s employment. It manifests as a constant worry about the stability of one’s job, leading to stress about the possibility of being laid

Crime Education

The Role of Psychology in Criminal Profiling

Criminal profiling, as popularized in the movies, is considered to be almost a mysterious phenomenon, whereas, in practice, it is a very structured approach that applies the theories of psychology for the analysis of crimes. It acts as a link

Self Help

6 Reasons you are more Attractive than you think, According to Psychology

Do you ever look in the mirror and think about what other people think when they see you? People’s opinions about us play a big role in our life. A lot of our self – worth depends on what the


Psychology behind Reckless Driving

“Speed thrills but kills”—a phrase we often hear, yet the allure of reckless driving persists despite the known dangers. Every year, reckless driving results in thousands of deaths and injuries worldwide. This article explores why people continue to engage in

Self Help

Psychology of Self-Criticism

We have all had that annoying voice in our head constantly berating us. Haunting us with a voice repeating “You are not enough”. That berating voice inside our head hurts more than anyone else insulting us. While this happens rarely