Search Results for : Personality

Neuroticism and Personality: Exploring Emotional Instability

Personality in itself is very intriguing and inquisitive to almost everyone. In layman’s terms, Personality is what a person is. It is all about the person, ‘in and out’. The word ‘Personality’ comes from the Roman word ‘persona’ which means


Schizoid Personality Disorder

Imagine you wake up one day and you are not able to connect emotionally with anyone, you do not feel any emotions that strongly, you feel you are detached from the entire world. What seems like a far-fetched imagination to us


The Psychology Behind Rebellious Personality 

Society views rebels or rebellious as people who wear leather jackets and ripped jeans and break the rules or someone who has brightly coloured hair, unusual hairstyles and tattoos or piercings. However, this particular perception is stereotypical and surface-level and


The Light Triad of Personality

Humans can never be seen as being black or white; they are always in shades of grey. We are never completely good or bad, we exist on the continuum between the two. Earlier, most of the studies focused on the


Birth Order Theory: How Birth Order Affects Your Personality

Birth order refers back to the order a toddler is born when it comes to their siblings, including whether they are first-born, center-born, or final-born. Psychologists frequently look at how beginning order can affect improvement, behaviour patterns, and character traits,


Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Symptoms, Treatment and Diagnosis

A skewed sense of self and extreme, erratic emotions are symptoms of histrionic personality disorder (HPD). One definition of histrionic is “dramatic or theatrical”. “Individuals suffering with histrionic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-worth that is based on


What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

People with schizotypal personality disorder are frequently considered as weird or quirky, and they typically have few intimate connections. They have difficulty in understanding how the connections are formed and how relationships exists. They may also misread others’ goals and acts,

Awareness Self Help

Are You Aware? Symptoms That Could Signal a Personality Disorder

Personality is essential, To define who we are as people. It encompasses a special combination of characteristics, such as attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours, as well as how we show these characteristics in the relationships we have with other people and

Positive Self Help

The link between Personality Traits and Relationship Satisfaction

The concept of personality is often an area of interest to many of us. You may find yourself filling out questionnaires online to get a deeper understanding of yourself and to find out how you function. Some people even put


It’s Important to Understand the Complexities of Borderline Personality Disorder

A child seeks affection and security through their caregivers and their development depends on their experiences of childhood. When these caregivers neglect or abuse the child instead of providing security, the child feels threatened and unsafe in his own environment.