Search Results for : therapy

What to do When your Teen doesn’t want Therapy

The concept of therapy is a fast growing one in today’s world. The world is changing as a result of this new thought and these fresh perspectives on mental health issues. Change is quite scary. In today’s world, mental health

Self Help Therapy

How do you know if therapy is working?

Taking therapy is appreciable, it helps you to know yourselves helps to dig into your inner thoughts and feelings and also helps to know your strengths and weaknesses. It also requires your side’s support to make changes and self-development. Unlike


Maximizing Your Therapy Experience: A Quick Guide

Admitting that you need help needs a lot of vulnerability and courage. People are often sceptical about the success rate of therapy and feelings of hyper-independence, fear of judgment and ridicule keep people from considering therapy or even acknowledging their


What to do if You Can’t Afford Therapy Anymore? 

Financial problems can come knocking at any time. One can say it’s as predictable as rain, you may or may not see it coming. Financial problems cause stress that leads to poor mental health, which leads to the need for


Therapeutic Alliance in Therapy

Therapeutic alliance in therapy is one of the most extensively studied concepts in psychotherapy literature. Therapeutic alliance can be conceptualised as the collaborative and affective bond between the therapist and the patient which is crucial for subsequent therapeutic outcomes (Martin


Understanding Primal Therapy: A Clear Path to Emotional Healing

In a world where we try to suppress our true emotions to maintain social decorum, imagine a therapeutic journey that unlocks our deep-rooted emotional pain from early life experiences. This therapy is called primal therapy. In the era dominated by


Behaviour Modification Therapy

You always procrastinate on your daily tasks. You have tried several times to change this behaviour. Do you find it hard and feel like it is impossible? You’re not alone, and behaviour modification therapy might be just what you need.

Parenting Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis: A Therapy for Children with Autism

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face challenges that can significantly impact their daily functioning. These challenges include difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communicative behaviour, and developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Additionally, children with ASD may exhibit repetitive-restricted


Navigating Allergy Immunotherapy: What to Expect During Treatment

Trying a new treatment can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time hearing of it. Or, maybe you’ve heard of it, but you don’t know anyone who has done it, so you don’t know what to expect. It’s okay


What is Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy?

Numerous health conditions may involve the brain, including head injuries, a stroke, dementia, and some forms of cancer, which means that the affected person cannot think or solve problems and, thus, suffer from cognitive impairment. Here CRT comes into play.