6 Reasons you are more Attractive than you think, According to Psychology
Self Help

6 Reasons you are more Attractive than you think, According to Psychology


Do you ever look in the mirror and think about what other people think when they see you? People’s opinions about us play a big role in our life. A lot of our self – worth depends on what the others think about us. Do you feel confident when people compliment you or appreciate you? Sometimes we need the people around us to make us feel attractive to actually feel attractive.

But it is not that easy to understand what the person in front of you might think about us. To make this task a little bit easier, here are 6 signs that people find you more attractive than you think. Something to consider on this matter is that “attractiveness” is not universally defined. There is no one fixed checklist for being attractive. It differs from culture to culture or even from person to person. For example – in olden times a women being healthy was considered attractive. It was considered as the sign of health and prosperity. However, in modern times due to the influences of
media a slim body is considered to be more attractive.

Read More: The Psychology Behind Attraction

So there is no one criteria that can decide if the person is attractive or not. Before going further, remember that you’re self esteem should not depend on what others think about you. Being attractive is not just about physical beauty. Every person is unique and different things make them more attractive than others. For example, people may find your humor attractive, or your kindness would make you more attractive than others.

But nonetheless, what people might be thinking about you might help in boosting your self confidence to some extent, give you a feedback about your behavior and highlight your good qualities that you might not be aware of. Let us now jump to the 6 signs that tell that people around you find you attractive.

1. People Smile when they see you

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. Smiling has been glorified by everyone. From celebrities to life coaches, everyone speaks
about importance of smiling. Smiling is a sign of positivity and happiness. It indicates that person in front of you is interested in talking with. Do you get a lot of smiles from strangers when you go out?

If yes, then this is an indication that people do find you attractive. We tend to smile at things that we like or generally find attractive. It is our natural reaction for things we like. For example – we immediately get a smile on our face when we see a cute baby on the street. We do not try to force it or do it on purpose. It just happens. In the similar manner, people unconsciously smile at things that they find pleasing. Next time you go on the streets remember to search for those smiles.

2. People around you Share their Personal Stories with you

When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frostwork, but the solidest things we can know.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you someone who knows personal stories or secrets of people around you? If yes, then people consider you close to them and want to make strong emotional connection with you. If meet a lot of people every day and have endless small talks with them. But how many from those would we really consider as our close ones? How do we know that some people are special than others? The people who are really close to us, the one we consider as important are the people who know us much more deeply than just this surface small talks.

They know our fears, insecurities, personal stories. The bond we share with them is different than the rest of people is because we share deep emotional intimacy with them. This sharing of our deep self symbolizes a close connection and an attraction towards that person. We share things when we like that person and want to deepen our bond with them. If people like to share their personal stories or secrets with you, that is because they want to share a deeper connection with you.

3. They remember Smallest of details about you

It’s the little things that matter. Do you remember what your favorite celebrity likes to eat or which was their first film? Why do you think you remember such small details about someone?

We try and remember small details like favorite color, favorite food, name of the pets, etc. about people who we think as important to us. We put in conscious effort to keep in mind the little things. For example – do you remember that feeling when someone did something like bringing you your
favorite flowers because they thought of you? You feel loved and important when someone does something because they remember that you love it.
So next time when someone remembers small details about you don’t forget to take a note. This is a sign that people find you attractive.

4. You Learn from other People

If you are someone who likes to learn different things from people around you, chances are that people find you more attractive. Many a times, people start to consider themselves as supreme, closing out on any new knowledge. Man should constantly be a curious student, learning from things, listening to people, broadening their skill sets.

Learning makes you a better person and learning from other people makes you more humble. As Douglas Adams said, – Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. When you learn from others or ask them questions, people tend to notice you more and get attracted towards you.

Read More: 10 Characteristics of Lifelong Learners, According to Psychology

5. People love your company and want to spend Time with you

If you are the one who has people circled around them at every party or someone with whom people are constantly trying to make plans with, it might be a sign that they love your company and want to spend more time with you. There is something in you that make people want to hang out with you. You might have the capacity to bring people together and make everyone feel included and seen at the same time. I might be your vibe or your sense of humor or your personality that makes people want to stay in your company. This definitely makes you attractive.

6. People around you value your opinion

Do people take your advice or opinion more seriously than of other people? Studies have shown that people value the opinion of people who the find attractive. It is a general perception of people that people who are attractive tend to be more confident or competent than the others. For example – we follow the advice of celebrity from an advertisement for let’s say buying a certain product. Even if that person may not be an expert in that field we think that the celebrity knows better maybe because we find them attractive. If you are someone who people seek out for advices and opinions then it is definitely a positive sign that they might find you attractive.


As we come towards the end, remember – every one of us is unique, each of us have different qualities and that makes each one of us equally attractive. There are certain qualities or signs that reveal that people around us might find us attractive but they are not concrete and even if you did not relate to many do not feel disheartened. For a quick recap let us go through the signs that people might find you attractive –

  • You get a lot of smiles from people when you leave the house
  • People share their secrets and personal stories with you
  • People around you remember small details about you.
  • You do not hesitate to learn from others
  • People love to spend more time with you and want to hang out with you
  • People value your opinions more than others.

One more thing that is most important one is, love yourself. Be comfortable with yourself. When you love yourself you tend to feel more confident. It is also sensed by the people around you.

To conclude, keep in mind that –

The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others.

Deepak Chopra


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