10 Things You Didn’t Know About Psychology Before
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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Psychology Before


“Psychology says, We Only Use 10% of Our Brain”. I’m sure you must have come across posts like this somewhere in your mobile scrolling journey. What if I say this is a myth? Most of these kinds of facts are half-baked information. Yet, isn’t everyone so interested in knowing more about what Psychology says?

It is often considered the study of the mind, but it is so much more than that. It dives deep into human behaviour, emotions, and cognitive processes, offering insights into why you do what you do.

Also, it is a part of life and everything that you do in your day-to-day life involves some form of its application. If you’re new to the field or just curious, here are 10 surprising facts about psychology that you didn’t know before. We will first look at pointers that you didn’t know about as a subject.

Fact 1: Psychology is a Relatively Young Science

Psychology has now become a very popular major in college, but did you know psychology is relatively young? Compared to other sciences like biology or physics, psychology is relatively young. The formal establishment of psychology as a distinct scientific discipline is often traced back to 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt opened the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Wundt is often referred to as the “Father of Modern Psychology” for his role in establishing psychology as a science separate from philosophy and biology.

Fact 2: Psychology is Interdisciplinary

Human emotions, thoughts and behaviours are influenced by several factors. Therefore naturally the study of these would include multiple streams. Psychology is an interdisciplinary subject, meaning it intersects with many other fields of study. For example, neuropsychology bridges psychology and neuroscience to understand how brain function affects behaviour, while psycholinguistics combines psychology and linguistics to study how language is processed in the mind. This interdisciplinary nature allows for a more comprehensive understanding of complex human behaviours and mental processes.

Fact 3: Psychology Research Has Ethical Guidelines

When something complex like a human mind is being studied, foremost care must be taken. The field has strict ethical guidelines for research, particularly when it involves human participants. The American Psychological Association (APA) has established a comprehensive code of ethics that governs how research should be conducted, emphasizing the importance of informed consent, confidentiality, and the protection of participants from harm. These guidelines were developed in response to historical research abuses.

Fact 4: Psychology Has Many Subfields

The two major paths that are quite famous are counselling psychology and clinical psychology. But, it is a diverse field with numerous subfields, each focusing on different aspects of behaviour and mental processes. Some of the less-known subfields include cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, sports psychology and forensic psychology. This diversity allows students and professionals to specialize in areas that align with their interests and career goals.

Fact 5: Psychology Influences Public Policy

When you study about the people you can also help create better strategies for them. It plays a significant role in shaping public policy, particularly in areas like education, health, and criminal justice. Psychologists provide insights into human behaviour that help policymakers create programs and laws that improve societal well-being. For example, research on the psychological effects of poverty, addiction, or discrimination can lead to policies that address these issues more effectively.

As a subject that is vast, diverse, and ever-evolving. You can keep on learning new things about the brain and behaviour, ethics in research, psychology and other disciplines among others. It is interesting to learn more about the human mind scientifically. These are some facts that show the depth of the psychology discipline. Now that we read little-known facts about psychology as a subject, we shall dive in to look at some mind-blowing cues about human psychology. All these facts are evidence-based and not the “Psychology Says..” facts that revolve around the internet.

What does Psychology say?

Fact 6: You Have a Limited Attention Span

You have an attention span of less than a goldfish. Seriously, it is becoming widely publicized that we humans have an attention span of 8 seconds now down from 12 seconds in 2000 (Yes, having a shorter attention span than a goldfish which is — 9 seconds). This decline in our ability to focus has been largely attributed to the rise of digital technology. A study from Microsoft in 2015 showed that our average attention span has declined over the years mostly due to smartphones and other digital devices ultimately training our brains to not be able to focus.

Fact 7: Your Memory is More Unreliable Than You Think

You think you remember things exactly as they happened. But, memory is not as reliable as you might believe. Every time you recall a memory, your brain reconstructs it, and each reconstruction can be slightly different. Over time, these slight differences accumulate, leading to a phenomenon known as memory distortion. A study demonstrated how even the wording of a question could change someone’s memory of an event. Participants who were asked how fast cars were going when they “smashed” into each other remembered the cars going faster than those asked how fast they were going when they “hit” each other.

Fact 8: Your Personality is Not Fixed

People who see you after many years, say you are a totally new person now. While certain traits may remain relatively stable over time, research has shown that personality can change throughout a person’s life. Factors such as life experiences, relationships, and even therapy can lead to significant changes in personality. A study published in Psychological Science in 2016 found that people who participated in therapy experienced changes in their personality, such as increased emotional stability and extraversion, highlighting that personality is more malleable than previously thought.

Fact 9: You Have Mirror Neurons

When you see someone yawn, you automatically yawn. Mirror neurons are a type of brain cell that fire both when you act and when you observe someone else performing the same action. Discovered in the 1990s by researchers studying monkeys, mirror neurons are thought to play a key role in empathy and understanding others’ intentions. Another example is when you see someone smile, your mirror neurons may fire in the same way as if you were smiling yourself, helping you understand what the other person is feeling.

Fact 10: Your Brain Fills in the Gaps

“A c_t ran up the tr_ _“ Were you not able to fill in and read this sentence as “A cat ran up the tree”? The brain is incredibly skilled at filling in information gaps, which allows us to perceive a coherent world even when our sensory input is incomplete. This is evident in how we perceive optical illusions or how we can understand a sentence even if some words are missing or jumbled. This ability of the brain is essential for navigating a complex and often ambiguous world, but it also means that our perceptions are not always accurate.

It offers a window into the complexities of human behaviour, thoughts, and emotions. Understanding these facts can change the way you think about yourself and others, highlighting the intricate ways our minds work. From the unreliability of memory to contagious yawning, it reveals the many layers that make us who we are. Whether you’re a student of it or just curious about the mind, these insights remind us of the incredible complexity of human nature.

What is Psychology?

It is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. It explores how people think, feel, and act both individually and in groups.

Who is the father of modern psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt

List a few subfields of psychology

Counselling psychology, clinical psychology, sports psychology, developmental psychology.

What are mirror neurons?

Mirror neurons are a type of brain cell that fire both when you act and when you observe someone else performing the same action.

References +

Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/wilhelm-wundt/ )

Psychology Subfields (https://www.apa.org/education-career/guide/subfields )

Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (https://www.apa.org/ethics/code )

Engaging Public Policy With Psychological Science (https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2021-50256-001.html )

You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish (https://time.com/3858309/attention-spans-goldfish/ )

A systematic review of personality trait change through intervention (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28054797/ )

The mirror-neuron system ( https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15217330/ )

How the brain fills in the blanks (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-is-a-human/202312/how-the-brain-fills-in-the-blanks )

Unreliable Memory ( https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hidden-motives/201203/unreliable-memory )


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