10 Mood Boosters that are Absolutely Free

10 Mood Boosters that are Absolutely Free

10 Mood Boosters that are Absolutely Free

10 Mood Boosters That Are For Free

Monday blues, a fight with your partner, or a scolding from your boss, there’s no dearth of things that can get you down. A bad mood can leave you irritated and grumpy, and take away your interest in your to-do list or tasks that you need to take care of. In such times, you need something to lift your mood a little to get back on track in your life. Such mood boosters need not be very complicated or expensive. Below are a few mood boosters that work like magic and are absolutely free!

1. Take a Walk in Nature

Going out for a walk, especially in a park or an area with a lot of greenery, can work wonders for a bad mood. It helps trigger happy neurochemicals in the brain that help regulate your mood. A morning walk to start a new day after a particularly exhausting one, or one in the evening right before you go to bed to ensure a good night’s sleep, are the best times for a walk. Walking increases blood flow to your brain, energising you to handle all the work you need to do. It also releases endorphins in the body, which are hormones that ease stress and discomfort. Another benefit of walking is that it can expose you to sunlight. Being in a bright environment when you are down, instead of in a closed gloomy room, can lift your mood in an instant. It can also trigger the release of serotonin in the brain, which is a mood-stabilizing neurotransmitter.

2. Laugh Away the Bad Mood

Laughter can help relieve stress and make your body feel active and refreshed. Laughing out loud, especially in the company of others, is a great way to improve your mood. Any of your go-to sources of laughter can work, including funny animal video compilations, a stand-up comedy video, or sharing a joke with a friend. Laughter also helps alleviate anxiety and tension by decreasing cortisol (stress hormone). It also helps release oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain, which are some feel-good neurochemicals. So, watching a funny video of a baby right before a big presentation can instantly leave you in a happy mood, feeling a lot more confident and relaxed.

3. Get Some Exercise

Physical movement can also significantly reduce stress hormones and get rid of a bad mood. It can also boost your energy levels. Going running, cycling, or swimming are some recommended exercises. But, you don’t necessarily have to go to the gym or perform very heavy or intensive exercises, short bouts of bodily movements can work just as well. Simple stretches, yoga poses, bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats, or even going up and down the stairs a few times can be helpful.

4. Listen to your Favourite Music

Imagine you are shopping for groceries after a particularly stressful day at work. You just want to get back home, get done with your chores, and sleep. But suddenly, the supermarket plays your favourite song. You immediately get in a better mood and get energised to finish all your tasks. Playing your favourite tunes has several benefits. It can boost your mood, and also improve concentration, reduce anxiety, and help in healthier brain function. If you are in the mood to do so, you can also get up and dance your heart out to the tunes, which is also a great exercise.

Read: How Music therapy is actually beneficial to your Mental Health?

5. Talk to a Friend

Meeting up with a friend, a family member, or any loved one after a draining day or a negative experience can soothe your senses. Hearing the voice of a loved one can be an experience that brings you a lot of comfort. Even a 10-minute chat with them can help you shake off all your worries and stress. Talking to them can also provide you with the space for you to vent all your emotions, and get sympathy and genuine advice. Apart from a good conversation, going on a date with a friend, watching a movie with a sibling, or playing board games with your family are some activities that can help you de-stress. Loved ones can also provide a lot of physical affection through hugs and cuddles. Knowing that you have their love and support can better your mood.

Read More: The Magic of Good Memories on Mood Elevation

6. Meditate

Meditation, or even a few deep breaths, can quickly help clear your mind. It gives you a few moments of relaxation and quiet. Having a calm mind, you can sort through all the chaos and confusion of your daily life much more easily. Being able to better organise your day can help with stress and anxiety and prevent a bad mood.

7. Eat Well and Hydrate Yourself

A lot of times, a bad mood is the consequence of not having eaten properly or being dehydrated. As the Snickers advertisement suggests, hunger and thirst can make you cranky and irritable. Drinking a cool glass of water, and eating a meal that you like can nourish your body and boost your mood. Some particularly beneficial foods are bananas (apart from being packed with nutrients, they contain an amino acid which gets converted into serotonin in the body), leafy greens such as spinach (they contain a good amount of antioxidants, which are known to help with symptoms of depression), and fermented foods like yoghurt (they contain good bacteria, which improve your gut health, in turn improving your mental health).

8. Make a Journal Entry

Much like talking to a friend, writing about your day in your diary can be a cathartic activity. It is a space to vent which is a private and safe space. Journaling can also help in improving your mood by providing you with a creative outlet. Doodling, making collages, or even simply letting your words flow onto the paper is very helpful in avoiding a bad mood. Another related mood-boosting activity is starting a gratitude journal. Sometimes, when things have not been going our way, we tend to forget the good things in our lives. Writing down things that you are grateful about can remind you of the same, and help you feel happier.

9. Do Something you Enjoy

If you have not been able to find the time for your hobbies because of the demands of work and relationships, and you have been feeling down lately, it might be because you have not had ‘me time’. Take some time to engage in an activity that you enjoy, be it painting, crocheting, calligraphy, arts and crafts or many others. Hobbies can help you boost your self-esteem by making you feel accomplished and fulfilled. It can also garner some appreciation from those around you, which might lift your mood.

10. Consume Feel-Good Media

When you are down in the dumps, watching a happy movie or an uplifting book can help you out of your bad mood. Watching a few episodes of your favourite sitcom, such as Friends, The Office, or Modern Family can evoke some smiles from you and take your mind off the stressors in your life. Pick a cosy spot, grab a feel-good book, put on a movie you love, and take that much-needed break!

Read: Content Creation: Incorporating Mental health Practices into your Creative Process

These are only a few activities that can help uplift your mood. The list can go on, but the bottom line is to find an activity that brings you joy and resides in the simplicity of everyday moments. Whether it is savouring a tasty meal, basking in the sun, or finding solace in the voice of a loved one, it is these cost-free treasures that keep us going!

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  • https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/mood-boosters
  • Boosting Your Mood | Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  • https://www.ucl.ac.uk/students/news/2020/apr/15-small-things-you-can-do-every-day-improve-your-mood
  • https://www.bswhealth.com/blog/19-quick-and-easy-mood-boosting-activities
  • https://www.insider.com/guides/health/mental-health/i-dont-want-to-do-anything

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