10 Characteristics of Adaptable and Happy People, According to Psychology
Life Style Motivation

10 Characteristics of Adaptable and Happy People, According to Psychology


Stephen Hawkins (1942- 2018) is one of the most successful scientists in the world without whom much about the universe would have stayed a mystery (Preskill, 2018).

At the tender age of 21, he faced the biggest setback of his life as he fell victim to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is an incurable disease that is marked by progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

When Stephen Hawkings was diagnosed, he was told that he only had two years to live. Despite this ultimatum, he defied all odds and lived a remarkable life until the age of 76. Today, he is celebrated as one of the greatest scientists of all time. His story is just one of the many stories of several successful disabled people who were able to adapt to the cards that were handed to them and did not just survive but thrived despite all odds against them.

Adaptability is a universal skill that is not just seen in human beings but in all living creatures, including plants. From complex multicellular organisms to simple amoeba, every living being in the world right now is due to their ancestors adapting to their environment in the past.

Recall a time when you were challenged with an out-of-syllabus question in an exam. Did you leave the question unanswered because you didn’t prepare for it? Probably not. Usually, in such cases, students try to amalgamate all unrelated information they recall into one and will get at least some marks for it.

Or maybe recall a time when your boss suddenly asks for a whole five-hour report in one hour. Suddenly, you can remember every single AI tool available on the internet that you avoided to protect your workplace values. We have all been in situations where life seems to be out for our throats, yet we somehow successfully overcame them. A blind child can determine that their school bus is coming just from the sound of its wheel and engine. A person without legs can use their arms to freely travel as they like. How is it that, despite what most people would consider a setback, individuals are still able to thrive?

The answer would be adaptability.

What Is Adaptability?

Adaptability can be defined as the capacity to adjust one’s behaviour according to changing circumstances (APA Dictionary of Psychology, 2018). By now, to some individuals, adaptability may seem like a trait seen in a few chosen people. While this statement is not completely correct it is not completely inaccurate as well. Some people show more adaptability than others. However, adaptability is a skill found in all but is not found equally distributed in everyone. Fortunately, through conscious effort, people can become more adaptable than they once were. Adaptability is widely recognized as one of the most important skills in the world.

Adaptability is not just seen in people who are known for their achievements throughout the world. Chances are you observed an example of adaptability in your surroundings today without even realizing it. Learning a new technology for work, changing your schedule to meet a friend, or switching up tasks to manage a new deadline are all everyday examples of adapting to ever-changing situations. Change is all around us. Instead of fighting against change, try embracing it. Accepting change and adapting to it allows us to conquer any obstacle that comes our way.

Why Adaptability?

Adaptability is a skill that has been passed down to us by our ancestors with a history. In our present society, adaptability has become more important than ever as people compete for depleting resources. If you are still not convinced about the necessity of adaptability, here are some benefits that might change your mind:

1. Riding The Wave Of Life Called Change:

It is funny to think about how change itself is the only constant thing in our world. People, the environment, and even our personality change over time. The only thing that you can accurately predict is the unpredictable and uncertain nature of life. Adaptability allows a person to always stay on their toes, ready to take on any unseen problem that dares to stand in their way. Without being ready to move along the pace of change, it will drown you in a never-ending cycle of despair alongside it.

2. Developing with Technology:

There is nothing as fast in the world as advancing technology. It is not just developing every few days but is reaching new heights every second. Every day we get updated about a new advancement in technology that is usually replaced by a newer version after just a few months. Remember when ChatGPT was introduced and schools and colleges were in a panic about possible cheating and plagiarism? Teachers used their adaptability skills to quickly learn to decipher the pattern of language used by the AI tool to detect malpractice, eventually followed by the development of AI-detecting tools. As hard as it is to keep up with so many updates, keeping up with developing technology is necessary to survive.

Read More: Cyberpsychology: The connection between the human mind and technology

3. The Path To Success:

The journey to success is not an easy one and calling it just long and bumpy does not justify how difficult it is. It is littered with unpredictable twists and traps lurking in every corner, waiting to trip you when you least expect it. Rigidity is the enemy of success, while adaptability is its best friend. People who do not crumble under pressure and are able to adapt to any and every situation always find success. Most workplaces also prefer workers who are quickly able to adapt to being in any and every team or cope with a change in deadlines or project, even if you were just finishing up with it. The ability to adjust and not crumble under an unpredictable circumstance also saves individuals from unnecessary burdens and frustration due to constant interruptions on their journey to success.

A Problem?-Not-Anymore-characteristics-of-adaptable-people
4. A Problem? Not Anymore:

Adaptability and problem-solving go hand in hand. Adaptability gives an individual the capacity to keep an open mind, allowing them to consider all potential solutions. A person who has a rigid mindset is not able to open their eyes to all potential ideas, ruining their chances of coming up with original and creative solutions. A person who is flexible and ready to adapt can even forge a new path when blocked by a dead end.

5. Becoming A Reliable Leader:

A good leader is equipped to handle any crisis. One that all teammates can rely on when faced with uncertainty. When a leader is not
able to adapt to the cards handed to them, the entire team is bound to fail. A good leader is flexible and teaches his teammates how to adapt as well. Adaptable leaders can turn setbacks into great success. They can develop a harmonious community where everyone can thrive.

Read More: Signs You are Born to be a Leader, According to Psychology

Characteristics Of Highly Adaptable People:

Adaptability is an extremely desirable trait that only a few would deny wanting. It’s probably becoming hard to contain your curiosity about what makes some people more adaptable than others. Why do some people crumble under change while others can use it to their advantage? Without further ado, let’s dive into ten key characteristics of adaptable people according to psychology:

1. Flexibility And Readiness For Change:

Adaptable people are as flexible as an elastic rubber band ready to stretch according to the needs of the hour. They do not fear adherence to their schedules and are quick to switch them up when needed without much difficulty. They are quick to assess both risks and rewards to make the best choice.

Imagine all your classmates were given an essay to write with a 24-hour deadline, but then suddenly the teacher got mad at the antics of a few children and, in anger, shortened the deadline. While most of the children would be busy whining to the teacher, asking her to reconsider, a highly adaptable person would have already finished their introduction, cleverly taking advantage of the brief complaining session. Flexibility is the key characteristic of a highly adaptable person allowing them to bend according to the ever-changing circumstances.

2. Obstacles? What are those?

Truly adaptable people don’t believe in obstacles. Instead, they believe in challenges. Challenges that can help them grow closer to achieving their goals. When faced with a wall, using their healthy coping mechanisms as tools, they forge a new opening in what most see as a dead end. They see every barrier in their way as an opportunity to grow and become a better person. Our parents always told us to have a Plan B and most people usually have one. However, adaptable people don’t stop at Plan B, they might have a Plan E or even Plan K. They are always ready to take on any challenge, no matter how bumpy the road is going to be.

3. Teamwork is Dreamwork:

A highly adaptable individual thrives on a team. They do not believe in bad teammates and rarely point a criticizing finger. Even the most uncooperative people turn cooperative and bend to the will of adaptable people. Adaptable people are usually willing to be understanding of the situations their teammates are dealing with and are always ready to help and cooperate from their end.

However, they also have strict boundaries that are concisely defined and enforced stricter than an army official. While they are prepared to adjust, they do not let teamwork come in the way of their personal goals, not letting go of anything. They beautifully develop and manage a delicate balance between team goals and their personal goals, achieving both in the end.

Read More: Psychology Behind Teamwork

4. Positivity Runs In Their Veins:

Adaptable people have their glow, as they are always brimming with positivity ready to take on each day with endless energy. How do they get this almost never-ending energy? The key is self-care and compassion. Many adaptable individuals start their day with affirmations, giving themselves a sweet treat through positive self-talk. They don’t blame themselves for setbacks and accept that not everything can go according to plan. They don’t let setbacks hurt their self-esteem and instead are grateful for them as they consider them a chance to grow. Adaptable people live their best lives, cherishing every moment of both their personal and professional lives.

Read More: Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Power of Happiness, Mindfulness, Savoring & Inner Strength

5. Curiosity As Their Life Coach:

Curiosity did not kill the cat this time. Adaptable people let curiosity guide them (Goodwin University, 2020). They always have millions of questions, never letting their inner child fade away. They don’t believe in stupid questions. For them, every question is worth asking, as it may lead to a whole new path that has not been discovered yet.

Guided by curiosity, they can effectively use both convergent and divergent thinking to their advantage. Try talking to the overenthusiastic worker or student in your class who is always on the move to learn, despite how overwhelming they might seem at first. If you can overcome your discomfort and approach that student/worker, you found a bit too passionate, you might be able to learn the pleasure of being inquisitive as their curiosity rubs off on you.

6. Mindfulness:

Mindfulness or the act of being completely present in the moment has a list of never-ending benefits. It does not just help reduce stress levels but also improves overall well-being and health. It is a skill that most therapists try to equip their clients with, as it is one of the healthiest coping mechanisms.

Highly adaptable people are easily able to take in every second of their life as it is without judgement. An adaptable person can take in their surroundings better than most people. Try recalling the last time you stopped by to admire the small wildflowers blooming on your way to work. You might not remember, or maybe you vaguely recall seeing it a few months back. However, if an adaptable person is asked the same question, the answer will always be yes.

7. Resourcefulness:

“I can’t draw. I was just not born equipped with those skills.” This is a sentence you’ll never hear a highly adaptable person say. “I can’t” or “It’s impossible” are words that cannot be found in an adaptable person’s vocabulary. Adaptable individuals know both their strengths and weaknesses, except they can turn their weaknesses into strengths. They understand the deck of cards handed to them by heart, even if it might be what we call an unlucky draw. They can use this “unlucky draw” to win and be successful in life.

8. Not Afraid To Try New Things:

As adults, most individuals find it hard to take on new hobbies. Try asking your parents if, given the opportunity, will they take that tennis class or maybe join a dance workshop like they wanted to when they were teenagers. Many parents might reply with, “I am not young enough to do this anymore.” However, some parents might even reply with definitely when can they start. This willingness to continue exploring and experimenting is a marked characteristic of all adaptable people. They pride themselves in giving every activity at least one try before deciding it is not for them (Whitehall, 2018)

9. Resilience:

Resilience is defined as the capability to bounce back when faced with adversities/setbacks. Have you heard the story of the man who was afraid of everything, so he locked himself in his room to stay safe? Eventually, he died from a photo frame falling on his head.

Challenges are an unavoidable part of our lives, no matter how much we try to hide from them they will find us in any corner of the world. Adaptable people believe in their capability to overcome everything, even failures. They do not let failures define them and keep climbing back after falling to the ground until they finally succeed.

10. Responsive To Feedback:

Adaptable people feel extremely happy when they receive feedback. It is natural to feel hurt sometimes when someone criticizes our hard work. However, adaptable people consider it as an opportunity to discover faults they overlooked and improve the quality of their work. They don’t take criticism to their heart and instead consider it as an opportunity to grow and learn. It is not an exaggeration when people say adaptability is the need of the hour. Our society is full of twists and turns where our lives can turn upside down within minutes. Adaptability ensures that we do not just mindlessly live our lives just for the sake of it.

Instead, it enables us to reach our full potential and find meaning in our lives through small and manageable habits. While some people are born more adaptable than others, it is not impossible to improve your capability to adapt. We are more capable of adapting than we think we are it is just right now sleeping somewhere within you waiting to be woken up. Adaptability is not just a skill it is a way of life, it should lurk around in every decision a person makes to ensure success in not just your career but also personal growth. Through small and gradual steps anyone can become more adaptable than believe they can be.


    1. What is adaptive behaviour according to psychology?

    Adaptive behaviours are learned behaviours that reflect on an individual’s social and practical competencies to meet the demands of everyday life. It is one of the key life skills to be successful in life.

    2. Who are adaptive people?

    Adaptable people have a way of making even disasters work for their benefit. They are easily able to deal with unpredicted circumstances when everybody else is overwhelmed. They are extremely flexible and quick to adjust to their environment according to the situation they are placed in.

    3. What are the four important characteristics an adaptable person has?

    Adaptable people are always mindful and aware of their environment. They are curious beings who are extremely flexible in every situation. They are easily able to identify and sense change in their environment and make a difficult situation into a positive one.

    4. What is the best ability of adaptability?

    They can adapt to their environment with little difficulty and are open to taking on new challenges with a never-ending desire to learn. They are strong professionals and make competitive job candidates.

    References +
    • APA Dictionary of Psychology. (2018, April 19). Retrieved July 31, 2024, from https://dictionary.apa.org/adaptability
    • Goodwin University. (2020, April 24). Adaptability: An Age-old Approach to the Current Crisis. https://www.goodwin.edu/enews/seven-qualities-of-adaptable-people/
    • Preskill, J. (2018). Stephen Hawking (1942–2018). Science, 360(6385), 156. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aat6775
    • Whitehall, L. (2018, November 18). Adaptable People Have These 7 Skills | Transform & Thrive | Blog. Transform & Thrive. https://transformandthrive.co.uk/blog/7-adaptability-skills/

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